pyro22487 - 25-1-2012 at 11:54 AM
So I have a 14m frenzy '06 if you haven't noticed in my signature. I take this thing out in like 5 mph winds it barely inflates and can barely stay in
the air. It requires a lot of movement and is very unstable at the edges of the window. Down turns are almost impossible with this kite due to its
size and slow turning speed. Am I just being a wimp and need to take it out in more wind. I have had it in 10 mph wind and can't keep my feet on the
ground? Is there possibly a bridle problem? I don't want to sell it but the fact I almost never use it I may end up putting it up for sale and see if
I can't get soothing a bit smaller and maybe newer.
g-force junkie - 25-1-2012 at 05:41 PM
That's definitely a big guy's kite and needs 10mph min. to fly right, 15 to 20 would be ideal, these older Frenzys have very little depower in the bar
throw and must be depowered with your edging, if you are to light you'll be pulled off your edge thus overpowered and maybe lofted. I have a 12 and a
10 and these are fantastic snow kites but hard to atb with and not for static use. You must be moving for this kite to fly right, if flying in light
wind pull trim all the way and let the kite fly on fronts with bar out.
DAKITEZ - 25-1-2012 at 06:08 PM
what are you riding when you cant keep it up in 5mph? One of the best light wind sessions I can remember with a ozone was this year/model/size kite. I
was buggying up and down the field when others were just watching
Feyd - 25-1-2012 at 07:21 PM
I had the '06 Frenzy 14m. Definately more a fat kid's kite and a dog in light winds. Turn rate was aweful.
Wicked lifty tho.
g-force junkie - 25-1-2012 at 07:30 PM
Yea definitely a dog in light wind and a lot of work to keep it moving, turn rate increases with wind speed if you've got the guts to ride this kite
lit up, loops are no problem, not for me but I've seen my buds make the Frenzy rip with more flying than riding
pyro22487 - 25-1-2012 at 10:53 PM
so what everyone is saying is man up and fly in higher wind. oh for refrence i ride a buggy and weigh 180 on a heavy day. during the summer i weigh
around 160. oh and the buggy is a libre vmax.
Feyd - 26-1-2012 at 06:01 AM
She's just not a light wind rig. Like G-force say's the turn rate will get better with more wind and overall she'll fly better in more wind. Makes
for a good kite if you're heavy weight which @ 180lbs + a buggy I think you qualify.
I just remember mine having wicked good lift and glide.
14m frenzy
ejmichel - 28-1-2012 at 05:16 AM
I am fairly new with my snowboard, but I have had a lot of fun with my 14m in winds that was only 7-8 miles per hour. Since I am fairly new I am
happy to be able to stay up wind and get my turns down... No jumps or anything yet. Since my time to kite is very limited I have to fly in some
pretty low wind conditions and the 14m will get me going usually.... My opinion may change but for a rider of lower skills a slow kite makes for a
relaxing ride as I try to sort everything out....