AZKevin - 25-1-2012 at 01:42 PM
So for our light winds here, I've been looking into also getting a larger kite to experiment on. I know for starting out I should stay away from a
C-kite but this one wasnt even $100 bucks shipped and I'd figure it be fun to play with later on and in light winds.
2001ish 18m SlingShot Fuel?
Not exactly sure the year. Thats one of my questions.
1st - By looking at the picture, is anyone able to identify the year of this kite?
2nd - I going to need new/used lines and bar for this. What size bar and lines would I need? I also would like to add the 5th line. Bladerunner posted
a manual/PDF file that shows how to do it.
3rd - Who or what site would have the bar and lines for this kite?
burritobandit - 25-1-2012 at 02:50 PM
I just searched Google and found this:
which identifies the kite in their pics as 2001. The marks along the leading edge and the struts look just like yours.
You can see they're flying on a 5th-line bar setup. For an 18m, I wouldn't go less than 55cm in bar width.
As far as where to find the bar, you could search google, search craigslist, post a want-ad on ikitesurf, or check ebay constantly. If it's not the
original, you'll have to do some experimentation/tuning to get the kite to fly properly.
Be safe when you put this beast up; old C-kites were not known for their wind-range or stability..
bigkahuna - 25-1-2012 at 03:11 PM
I'd say burritobandit is pretty much spot on. I flew the 15m version of that kite and then bought the following year model. The Slingshot Fuels were
considered decent kites back then, the 18 was slow and grunty as I recall. Back in 2001 they were amongst the better kites of the day, but of course,
nothing compared to now a days. They weren't designed for a 5th line but there's nothing keeping you from adding one.
AZKevin - 25-1-2012 at 03:31 PM
Good find BB! I've been searching around for reviews and specs on older SS Fuel kites but found nothing
As for the bar size, I'm looking at getting 2 more kites, one being a - 15m Globe Trix 2008 - and the bar that comes with that one is a 55cm/21in.
So how about lines? The person I purchased this kite from didn't remember what the bar or line lengths were. He mentioned "I believe there is less
than a foot diff between the front and back" ....So that really doesn't help. Guessing I'm looking at 20-23 meter lines with the rear line being a
foot shorter??? :puzzled:
Again I know this kite will kill you if used with little to no experience kiting. That's why its more like a project kite and when its very light
winds, play with it and see how she handles compared to my other "future/newer/non-C" kites.
Houston AirHead - 25-1-2012 at 04:11 PM
yeah you just need a big bar i wouldnt worry about getting the exact correct size, just mke sure its big.
Make sure you have some one help you launch and land, and start out in very light winds.
Make sure you know how to get away from the kite when you have to so practice the saftey a couple times
AZKevin - 25-1-2012 at 04:32 PM
Thanks AirHead and bigkahuna.
I've done lots of reading on this kite how its a death trap and has no safety but no one talks about the bar size and line lengths. One person was
saying 27m lines??
I know this kite will try to kill me if I take it out in any kind of wind over 10mph but I so far the wind here has been <10mph. And eventually
once I have it all setup, I'll try it out static and do as you recommended, practice using the safety or knowing how to ditch without killing myself.
Then take it out for a session on the water once I know how powerful it is and how to get away if needed.
So what would you recommend for line lengths? And also which knots to use?
AZKevin - 25-1-2012 at 04:34 PM
Also if you know where the manual is at that would be great! Not finding anything earlier than 2005.
I've found 5th Manuals, one on PFK and one from another site.
Attachment: 5thLine_manual.pdf (210kB)
This file has been downloaded 410 times
AD72 - 25-1-2012 at 04:45 PM
I have a bar from a 02 16M Fuel. I can measure the width. It has no safety on the CL and it pre-dates donkey dicks.
AZKevin - 25-1-2012 at 04:58 PM
Oh ya?
U2U sent
Flyfish - 25-1-2012 at 05:05 PM
Hey Kevin,
Don't you know helo's are more dangerous than C Kites! Take it from a fixed wing guy! They want to implode!
Seriously though, if you are getting a modern bar, then use that. Any 4 line bar will work, but the newer bars have WAY better safety release systems.
Much better to have a bar that's maybe a bit too small but really good safety than an old 2001 death bar!
The lines should all be equal length. Again, any newish bar and lines will work.
Fly it just like your Helo, think think think! Think about the conditions, the terrain, and your out and you'll be fine!
AZKevin - 25-1-2012 at 05:23 PM
Haha Thanks Flyfish and good to hear from another pilot. And by the way, Helos safer than fixed wings :frog:
We won't get into that.
But yes, Im not jumping into a large kite for "my kite is bigger than yours" but b/c of the conditions we have here....very light wind...
Also ride a GSXR 750 motorcycle. Started out small with a 600 and moved my way up with experience. So going to take these larger kites slow and
practice mean engine outs... ;-)
And I may just wait on the older bar till I get the newer bar and see if its compatible and easy to switch out.
burritobandit - 25-1-2012 at 07:10 PM
Another thing to consider is how much depower throw to have with this kite. If you have too much depower, you will front-stall the kite and it'll
hindenburg. Too little, and it'll be powered up and could backstall. There will be a sweet-spot between where the kite won't do either (given the
winds are relatively stable and steady).
When I had my Cabrinha C-kites, the amt of depower throw was only about 5-6 inches. Newer bars usually have at least 12 inches of depower, if not
more. If the bar you put on that kite has a stopper ball, use it to limit your throw to prevent stalling the kite.
AZKevin - 25-1-2012 at 07:22 PM
Wow, well I hate to admit it but that's over my head. Im sure it'll make more sense when I have the kite, bar and lines in hand and can adjust them.
Good to know tho! Im sure questions will arise once I am able to tinker with it, but thanks for being proactive and answering them before hand. I'll
definitely take all the advise I can get!
AD72 - 25-1-2012 at 08:14 PM
I should have mentioned that I only have the bar because I would not dare use it or sell it as is. The safety is all wrong on it with no quick
release. You are better off getting a new bar as mentioned above. Sorry for not clarifying. The bar width is 27" so If you want to use this kite it
would require a bar that long because I am sure it is a slow turner. I bought mine in 03 intending to get into the sport but it never happened until
09. It is amazing how the technology has changed. You will learn much faster on newer equipment and you will have far less frustration. LEIs and
their safety systems got better by about 07.
AZKevin - 25-1-2012 at 08:18 PM
Ah ok. Ya I have two more kites in mind that are newer than 2007.
This one is just something to work and play with.
Kamikuza - 25-1-2012 at 08:38 PM
2001 18m kite = 2011 12m kite
I wouldn't buy older than 2009 now simply cos the material break down and I'm totally paranoid.
Dude, check out Switch kites - new kite for used prices. Element looks like it could be awesome...
bigkahuna - 26-1-2012 at 06:00 AM
I'm with Kami, unless you get it for almost free and you're absolutely broke, try to get a more modern kite. The newer kites have much better
performance / stability and the new releases are much safer. If you do get an old kite, remember that they didn't come with safety releases so you'll
need to add / retrofit them. I don't remember my '02 Fuel hindenberging and I always used a longer depower / center line than most people. But as
good as it was in 2002, it's nothing compared to my '08 Bularoos. Incidentally, that '02 Fuel was my last LEI before switching to PL's. Back then a
Guerilla had more depower and stability than any of the LEI's I tried.
PHREERIDER - 26-1-2012 at 07:00 AM
my depower bar with a stopper ball works great for my C-kites ...the stopper ball makes it happen. my naish bars circa 05 are by far the c-kite bar
of choice.
narrow sweet spot for sure.
AZKevin - 27-1-2012 at 12:42 PM
Finally got my hands on the kite today. Looks in great condition. Haven't tried to pump it up yet tho. And not seeing exactly where to add the 5th
line.... Using the picture below as a reference - same kite, but 12m.
bigkahuna - 27-1-2012 at 01:08 PM
People used to add a 5th line to the pump leash connection near the center strut. But if I recall correctly, those kites didn't have a pump leash
connection, if so, adding a 5th would be a PITA and probably not worth the cost / effort.
burritobandit - 27-1-2012 at 01:16 PM
If you get us a close-up pic of the center of the leading edge, we could see if there is any hope.. If not, you'd have to sew in some reinforcements
to the center of the kite and then the 5th-line connector loop into that reinforced area.. I'm not sure how much that would cost you, but doing LE
sewing work is usually sort of expensive when done by a pro-shop. Usually they have to open the LE, perform the work on the affected area, then sew
the LE back together.
AZKevin - 27-1-2012 at 01:24 PM
Ya there is nothing really there to latch it to. Noob thought would be to use a broad line and wrap it around the strut. Below is a picture.
burritobandit - 27-1-2012 at 01:59 PM
The 5th-line connection point would go where the 1 is in the 18, or a Y-setup could be used as well, but would require more sewing.
I found some diagrams to show the differences:
You might end up having to fly this one in 4-line mode :/
Bigbear97e - 27-1-2012 at 03:04 PM
AZKevin .... everyone .... if blade runners 5th line "how to" pdf has pictures, has anyone tried the Switch Kites Warehouse to source parts for a home
made bar similar to what Lamrith did for his PL19 VII?????
Just thinkin this might be of help
Kamikuza - 27-1-2012 at 07:27 PM
Depends on the kite but the old C-kite I had used the pump leash loop as the fifth line attachment point - right in the center of the L.E. there.
Don't loop line around the strut - you'll garrote it when it gets loaded...
AZKevin - 27-1-2012 at 07:49 PM
"Don't loop line around the strut - you'll garrote it when it gets loaded..."
Thats why I thought it was a noob thought. BUT to my defense is that the 5th has no tension to it UNLESS you are using it to bring the kite down for
safety or to relaunch.
dave brown - 27-1-2012 at 08:38 PM
You can loop it around the strut no problem.. I set up a 5th that way years ago..
Just use some webbing to spread the load. The 5th is not under much tension..
Spending any money upgrading that kite is a waste..
AZKevin - 28-1-2012 at 01:23 PM
Dave, I agree. Im not wanting to spend any money on this kite. Its going to be fun to play with but nothing to get deep in. I like your idea of doing
some webbing to spread the load. And hey, if it breaks it, no loss really.
AND I just purchased another used kite. The bar and lines will work for the old beast aka 18m SS Fuel.
2009 Best 55cm bar with 27 + 7 meter lines
Bladerunner - 28-1-2012 at 04:52 PM
Sorry I would have spoken up sooner but some early kites had a pump leash attachment that doubled and you sounded sure ?
I paid $35 to have a tab sewn on my old Airush.
You will just keep throwing good money after bad at this kite. Better to spend a bit more and get something newer. Not older than 2005 even on a tight
budget !
That PDF I posted was to convert a 4 line bar. Far better to buy a newer / safer stock 5 line bar if you stick with the kite.
AZKevin - 28-1-2012 at 06:35 PM
All good info and I really appreciate it! Can't wait to play with this beast in light winds and see how she performs compared to my other kite I just
And of course I'll play with adding a 5th line to it eventually if I feel the need.
Thanks again for everyone's input! Really appreciate and know I can count on you guys :bigok:
AZKevin - 21-5-2012 at 09:51 AM
AZKevin - 21-5-2012 at 09:52 AM
AZKevin - 21-5-2012 at 10:34 AM
I dont think this thread is working anymore...or maybe its just me. I cant see page 2
AZKevin - 21-5-2012 at 12:51 PM
Guess its working now sorry for the spam and pictures not working
So went out to the park and watch the eclipse yesterday...
While at the park we checked out the damage for the first time on my GK Trix kite which I'll talk more about in another post.
Otherwise, I figured while I was there at the park, might as well blow up the ol' SS Fuel 18m kite and see if she holds up. Turns out she has an inch
tear in the leading edge with a pin hole leak in the bladder. Will have to look into the pin hole leak in the bladder but didn't have any tape so gum
worked surprisingly well.
There was no apparent wind unless you walk upwind, then you could feel it a little. Many people walked by and asked questions and laughed because once
I told them it was a kite, they said I picked the wrong day to fly since there wasn't any wind. I figured I got it out and lines all connected, might
as well run upwind and see what happens. I was shocked on how this kite floated all the way up to 12 and flew. And by looking at everyone else, they
were shocked too! I was really thinking I was going to look like a fool running upwind with a kite dragging behind me. So ended landing the kite due
to not having my harness or the correct setup. After some more adjustments I was able to do figure eights for a while.
Reading other posts on PKF about C-Kites, I guess there is a sweet spot to have the settings on that I've gotta find. Also, this 21" bar didn't cut
it. I was pulling with all I could to get this breast to turn which she would but man....
So I figured since I am repairing my other kite (sewing) that I'll also add a 5th line to this kite and play with her some more in these very light
winds. Stoked!
AZKevin - 1-6-2012 at 01:58 PM
This kite had a pin size hole in the bladder. Repaired it with what I thought was the correct patch repair....
Turns out it wasn't and it ate through the bladder. So purchased Tear-Aid and patched the now half dollar size hole.
Currently repairing my GK 15m kite (taping and sewing) and since grandma had the sewing machine out, having her sew on a 5th my Fuel since it didnt
have a spot to connect.
We'll be reinforcing it to be able to handle relaunches and use as a safety release. Excited!
She Flies again!
AZKevin - 4-6-2012 at 01:33 PM
Repaired the half dollar size hole in the main bladder with Tear-Aid and Sail tape for the rip in the leading edge. Luckily there was no wind
yesterday. Took her out to the park and blew her up. The beast aka 18m SS Fuel held its air and launch effortlessly till she caught a gust or two,
then she pulled like a tank! Noticed one of the end struts deflate as I was doing figure eights.
Currently working on that, seal is broke around the pump nozzle. Tear-Aid isn't wanting to completely seal it. Work in progress with that one...
Here are some pictures:
Oh and some High Schoolers where watching. I broke out the 3.5m Ozone and had them fly that. Couldn't really fly it tho, not enough wind so they were
running all over the field trying to keep the kite up haha. They loved it.
Bladerunner - 4-6-2012 at 05:00 PM
What is that buggy looking thing on the ground?
Interesting shape to that kite. Long on the sides ? I wonder what it's projected area is ?
AZKevin - 4-6-2012 at 05:09 PM
"What is that buggy looking thing on the ground? "
Thats my ATB. Only got a couple good runs on it. Field was too narrow.
ya its an old '01 C-Kite. The PA is probably equal to a 14m new kite.
AZKevin - 10-6-2012 at 02:36 PM
This is what I found out abou the PA on this kite
"Projected area multiplied by 1.36 will give you the approx total area.
(or.... total area divided by 1 . 36 will give you the total area). This calculation is not even a
standard but its helpful."