Power Kite Forum

handles/ bar

abkayak - 30-1-2012 at 01:17 PM

good day all, i'm new to the site. thank you for allowing me to follow along and feed my new addiction.
i started out w/ the sole ambition of kite boarding to replace
what snow sking was in my life (100+days/yr).
i have found out i can't get enough kiting, even w/out the water. i have many questions.........too many questions, i know they must wait their turn. i wake up early to fly before work every day w/ a decent wind forcast. i get in about an hour and this is all that i can hope to fit in. i own a rush4, 3m 2 line w/ a bar and love flying it. i just got a PL pepper 2m w/ handles that i am thinking about getting a bar for. between the set up, and tangle time it seems i'd have more fly time.
i also seem to like the bar set up more anyway. would this be wrong to do?? or will handle flying become more enjoyable to me w/ more time put in? i look forward to wildwood, i hope i dont bother you all too much there.
thanks for any input

DAKITEZ - 30-1-2012 at 04:36 PM

a bar gives immediate pleasure because anyone can do it the first time you pick it up. But the handles make you a real pilot and the extra control you will have will make flying even more fun.
Handles on fixed bridle kites are the way to go :)

Kamikuza - 30-1-2012 at 05:36 PM


There are systems you can develop for yourself to avoid tangles with 4-line kites... some like parapacking, some like socks, some like daisy chains.
An Ozone bar for the 4-line would be good but you'd need a harness. Handles are a little more flexible, especially trying to relaunch when you've pranged it...

Bladerunner - 30-1-2012 at 06:16 PM

These guys are right on. Handles add another dimension to flying. The tangles issue goes away once you get a packing pattern down + crash less. You are just having growing pains.

Handles are the way to go on Fixed Bridle kites , FB kites are the way to go if you just want to static fly.

If you want to get into motion on anything but a buggy you may want to look at depower kites. These are the kites you fly on a bar , with a harness.

bobalooie57 - 31-1-2012 at 10:26 AM

+1 for learning on both handles and bar, but if you have your heart set on a bar, here's a good deal on one in the for sale section. Great seller, too.
A.B. NY? is that Alex Bay? Do you know Jan B? (TIKayak on the forums)

lunchbox - 31-1-2012 at 10:52 AM

:thumbup::thumbup: to everything that was said above. Handles to me and as it relates to FB kites, opens up a whole new world of manuerability and control. I ride in some of the lightest and 'holest' winds and in my type of conditions the lack of control I get from a bar, just won't work!

I can wrap and unwrap a kite faster using a bar, but I'm pretty damn close when I handle wrap...and that's about the only reason I would ever think of using a bar (for what I do). Obviously, landboarding is a different beast...I prefer depowerables for that....

abkayak - 31-1-2012 at 02:05 PM

AB......being Atlantic Beach, Thanks all for the input. My plan is to get proficient w/ both.
i am very limited w/ my morning fly time so i thought a bar set up would get me up faster(and packed up)
i really have liked the handles under specific conditions like under 20 kts. just thought i would use
the foil more often if i could go to a bar. That ozone bar is what got me thinking that way. Already have
a harness and was just trying to find a reason to put it on.
Also thought that bar would serve me well w/ future kites.
But must say i don't know enough to really know.