kitekid21 - 6-2-2012 at 03:09 PM
Besides having had barely any snow this winter, we've barely had any wind! It's pretty depressing, but I manage to get by in the meantime by watching
other people's videos and living vicariously
My question, because of all the light winds out here in the quad cities and that seem quite prevalent in the Midwest lately is this:
Is it worth getting a 20m Liquid Force m80 (2006, bar, bag, lines (5), flown once, $200) for the plethora of light-wind days? I'm mostly kiting on
land whenever I can pull myself away from school for long enough, but our winds are so commonly around 13mph and that's difficult for relaunch on any
of the kites that I already have. For what it's worth, I plan on doing some kitesurfing on Lake Michigan this summer, so the LEI is looking like the
best choice. I've spent a lot of time scudding with the kites that I have, so my skills aren't too weak. I've heard that large kites can be
difficult to work at times and I don't even know if I should just give up and just savor those 2 times a month that I can actually do any
kiting. Relaunching is difficult with the 13m most of the time, so I'm worried that the 20m might not be any better. Oh how I'd love a 21m
Money isn't in great supply, being in college and all, and while I was hoping to get a mountainboard with that money, I can probably save up for a
couple months and try to get one then.
Any and all input is greatly appreciated. I love you guys!
Drewculous - 6-2-2012 at 03:27 PM
06 lei flown once................... That should tell you how much the previous owner liked that one lol
For 200 bucks you can't really go wrong unless it got destroyed on it's maiden flight
Just be careful with those older c kites
kitekid21 - 6-2-2012 at 05:10 PM
I mean, from what I've read online, there are a number of people in both camps. Some people say that they are great low wind kites and some people say
that they aren't worth the hassle. I honestly have no idea if they're worth it for use on land or just on water or what...
Looking_Up - 6-2-2012 at 06:16 PM
I don't know exactly what ur goals are buggy board jumps whatever but ur samis should all fly well sub ten mph and the six should be pretty powerd at
thirteen the big tube is just going to frustrate u
My 5m little devil by ozone at 10mph will pull well in the bug and is to fast on the skateboard if you find a parking lot u can be flying along faster
than u want with ur current quiver
kitekid21 - 7-2-2012 at 05:19 AM
Part of the issue is that the Sami's aren't depower kites, which I would truly prefer. Besides just having handles instead of a bar, the kites can't
also be used on water, which I would prefer at this point.
dandre - 7-2-2012 at 06:59 AM
huge kites are a huge hassle if you're a young in the kite game(reverse launching a 17m is *shudder*). I would just buy that mountain board, diversify
your recreational interests (bouldering/mountain biking?) and wait for the winds to change.
You'll start stealing someones wind eventually.
plus you can use the board for downhill if you have a brake; SO MUCH FUN
Looking_Up - 7-2-2012 at 09:19 AM
With that info I also suggest staying away from the big tubes and just be patient. For more wind or a big arc is powerd well from 10 15 on the land
but by 15 your bulls will be ready to go on the water I my self learned water skills with an 11 m tube in just over 15
PHREERIDER - 7-2-2012 at 09:54 AM
don't waste the $ . on a '06 M80. maybe 100bucks if the lines are still good, otherwise it will be trouble, repairs will only bring you down . and
you'll wish you had the $ for a used atb