Power Kite Forum

so I'm scared to hold the kite deep in the power zone

dandre - 14-2-2012 at 09:19 PM

I'm sure an aggressive riding style would cure much of my woe but it's hard for me to commit the kite into all that power.

I always keep the kite dancing near the zenith (even when snowkiting) and I feel like this is a bad habit.

Can someone give me a talking to about how this is bad form so I can move away from this?

lamrith - 14-2-2012 at 09:41 PM

Maybe size down one size and send it? Joking aside, if you are intimidated it is probably a good safety instinct, if your moving comfortably even high and to the side of the window then you may be overpowered.

I fly static myself and love the power, but because of it have to be undersized. The good thing is that I am getting comfortable and used to how the power ramps up crossing the window..

Going down a size will let you feel less overpowered and dip more into the power zone. Practice with the kite there and then in time work up a size once you have a feel for the power curve.

dandre - 14-2-2012 at 09:50 PM

all due respect I'm looking for advice on dynamic flying.
I flew static 6 months, with the same kite deep in the power zone

the difference is apples and cats.

Looking_Up - 14-2-2012 at 10:14 PM

Apples and cats hahahaha
I don't know what u are riding what conditions u are in and what ur quiver looks like but I like overepowered and just staying around the top and sides when I ride my board it makes for huge air in a more safe manner
But when in a bug I like to downsize and go for speed this makes for a less lofty kite and I stay planted in the bug hut I hope to start jumping the bug soon and I will go back to over powered high in the window
The reason is this you have to be very skilled to use just enough kite and still go big but when overpowerd u can keep the kite high and less chance of getting messed up in an overpower mistake
All that being said if you feel overpowered bear off with the wind and that will take power out of the kite
I hope that helps if not u2 me and we can talk on the phone about it going to bed now

Houston AirHead - 14-2-2012 at 10:19 PM

drink a budlight to calm your nerves...

WELDNGOD - 14-2-2012 at 11:29 PM

Try a little less sail Bro'. Ain't no shame in being safe. If your gut is tellin you to put it high because you are going too fast,or you fear being lofted. Then you ARE OVERPOWERED for your skilset.

stetson05 - 14-2-2012 at 11:33 PM

With spring coming, at least where I live, I would hold off dipping deep until you can get on water. Safe environment allows for dabling in the extra power. Your other option is to downsize and milk the kite for all it's worth. When comfortable with your technique you could size up, pad up, and hold on tight.

Don't get spanked so hard you have to take a couple months off. That is why I recommend water but I still wear a helmet and PFD.

macboy - 14-2-2012 at 11:35 PM

It'll all come with time too. I used to use the windows edge as a safety net until a couple outings where I was so powered and ripping so hard that even overhead the kite was cranking out power. Trouble is with it overhead it lifts you off your edges so you scream down wind.....either walking home or facing the fierce wind and crabbing your way back upwind.

It's a scary sport no doubt....fear is respect and it's a good way to fly. Last weekend we had parked right in a gust channel (unknowingly) so each approach back to the truck was a slow, careful operation. Took four or five tries each time....once I got yanked by a gust so hard that I tracked easily 100 feet straight downwind. Lucky for me I always made sure there was nothing between me and downwind. I coulda been hauled right into the truck and not known what hit me. Luckily I was scared enough that I maintained a good distance from the vehicles.

dandre - 15-2-2012 at 05:27 AM

Originally posted by Houston AirHead
drink a budlight to calm your nerves...


as to the size of the sail.... ehhh. I mean you could be right, but I always wanna go FASTER/jump higher; I just don't wanna be out of control or put the kite through the cleaners. The sabre 9.5 really isn't THAT zippy a kite from 10-18mph. It's hard enough just to loop it in low winds while I'm in motion.

I've never been in a situation where I felt like my kite was gonna kill/seriously injure me (on depower anyway)
I like getting air/speed, its just hard for me to be in harmony with the kite. I'm always facing too far one way, and flailing the kite in the other. I just always get consistent results when I'm crusing around the top of the window, watching everything carefully. I guess I just need alot more practice.

I think too much static flying did a little more harm than good.

Also its annoying I don't know how to use trim properly now that I'm in motion. I'm always conservative with it, then my kite doesn't loop fast enough to miss the ground. I beef it up, but then I don't go for it. I'm sure being chicken#@%$#! is a good defense mechanism, but how high am I really going to get lofted/dragged through snow by a 9.5m sabre in 13/14mph winds? w/ body armor??

Nah I think I just need a beer and to not be afraid to eat some #@%$#!/practice harder

dandre - 15-2-2012 at 05:52 AM

Originally posted by stetson05
With spring coming, at least where I live, I would hold off dipping deep until you can get on water. Safe environment allows for dabling in the extra power.

I just noticed this, thats really good advice thanks.

PHREERIDER - 15-2-2012 at 06:11 AM

your "speed control " habit of flying at the zenith is normal.

down size would help.

board control has to be solid , what are you gonna do with the power ? is your board agility ready?

couple pointers here...

cruising under control like cross wind with a solid edge and plenty of room, slowly move the kite down to the edge of the window. while doing this , starting pointing more up wind. don't look at the kite look where you are going. do it slowly and controlled keep speed control by kite AND board edge. it will take alot of time feeling the power and bite of board to get smooth flowing result . nibble the kite into the power zone and everytime you do this , think and do "head back, sit down with hips and knees flexed" this prepares you for surge of power and SPEED. use your whole body, lean back into as it turns into speed you balance a little more upright, but ready to go back against the kite. the more you fiddle with this the more confidence you will be to use the powerzone . takes time, decent wind and always thinking ahead so you know whats gonna happen.

know where the brakes are! edge upwind, drive the kite right to the edge of the window the lower the better but really won't matter . get a good feel for powerslides and edge control coupled with the kite will stop you quickly.

kinda all goes back to kite handling and balance. be patient

BeamerBob - 15-2-2012 at 08:31 AM

Everything you are telling us is saying too much kite for skills and conditions. If that's not the case, then follow Phree's advice and dip it down in the power and resist it. If you can't, go back to "too much kite for conditions. Too much kite is work and survival, just right size lets you work it and USE the power is has instead of hiding from it.

dandre - 15-2-2012 at 08:48 AM

I think "hiding" is a strong word. I just wouldn't know what to do with the power if I even exercised it.

A majority of my problem is that I was unable to see ways of easing into good form confidently.
Phrees advice was very pertinent to my problem

It was also unwise to kite in an unsafe environment; kiting over fields of half covered sagebrush on tele-skis while learning was very nerve-wracking.
Thinking back, when I kited on cross country trails and the golf course I was much more comfortable with speed and signing the kite deeper into the window

I also do not have the luxury of new kites for quite some time.

B-Roc - 15-2-2012 at 10:39 AM

Originally posted by dandre
I just wouldn't know what to do with the power if I even exercised it.

A majority of my problem is that I was unable to see ways of easing into good form confidently.

It was also unwise to kite in an unsafe environment; kiting over fields of half covered sagebrush on tele-skis while learning was very nerve-wracking.

I also do not have the luxury of new kites for quite some time.

Given what you've written in my paraphrase above I would say that if you aren't feeling overpowered in general then you seem to be conveying that you were definately overpowered for the conditions / space / geography you were out in.

Based on your last quoted statement I'd recommend you go out in same space in less wind and see what happens and how you do since you can't get a smaller kite at this time.

FWIW you questioned earlier how much power can a 9.5 develop in 13/14 winds. I weigh 150#s and 10-15 mph winds is the prime comfort zone for me for jumping on my 10m. So don't kid yourself into thinking that you are flying at the bottom of the sabres range in the conditions you describe unless you weigh a significant bit more than me.

Houston AirHead - 15-2-2012 at 11:04 AM

all joking aside, listen to these people. Dont go out overpowered especially in snow. you might be able to get away with a overpowered fall/spill in water as opposed to a overpowered fall/spill/control loss of your kite/any other of the dozens of things that can go wrong while flying a huge ass kite above your head while on hard pack snow/ice or regular snow.

its just not worth it, there will always be that perfect day of kiting just right around the corner. Just have to be patient and wait for it.

dandre - 15-2-2012 at 11:15 AM

yes kite masters
I am impressioned.

I'm 175-180 usually I kite with two kites its 200-skis 215?
I don't think I'm being super dramatic, I was just being honest in the title.

I think my concern is a pretty common one among novices.

Kamikuza - 15-2-2012 at 05:18 PM

I gotta add my seconding for - edge harder, push it further towards the edge of the window, head upwind more.

Kite at the zenith when over-powered = asking for a lofting in the gusts. I know cos it happened on Saturday a few times :(

'course, that was on water - bit easier to nut up when the worst that'll happen is you get wetter :o

macboy - 15-2-2012 at 05:50 PM

Originally posted by dandre

I'm sure being chicken#@%$#! is a good defense mechanism, but how high am I really going to get lofted/dragged through snow by a 9.5m sabre in 13/14mph winds? w/ body armor??

Nah I think I just need a beer and to not be afraid to eat some #@%$#!/practice harder

Both arguments are spot on. I too have the "too chicken to pull the trigger" gene but am getting over it with time. Last winter I had my first 'already airborne and felt a huge tug from the harness as the kite caught a gust and I shot further skyward' moment. Scary but scary cool. Can I replicate it? Too chicken :lol:

The crapper is that you can't REALLY just send it a little bit but you CAN send it too hard too fast. I guess when you're ready, just send the kite back like you mean it - not like you're trying to hit the moon. Every kite is different and every kite will feel different. My first launches under my Phantom 15 were like being powered by a rubber band. Smooth up, smooth down. The Frenzy was more full power up - nothing gradual about it, nice glide and land with speed. Do it. That's the only way to learn. And trust us - you'll grin from ear to ear for a month the first time you launch intentionally.

Still, I'm no airborne junky - just ask the AB crew and Bladerunner. I'm a very conservative flyer - more concerned with avoiding the walk of shame than with how much air I can get. I can shoot upwind on the snow like a madman but get a little speed under me or start to think about jumping and I get nervous as hell. But I know I need to start eating it if I want to progress.

macboy - 15-2-2012 at 05:54 PM

And to be more on-topic (sorry). With dynamic flying you'll find the edge of the window to be the best spot to have the kite. Trimmed right, you should be able to pull in on the bar and see the kite back itself a bit deeper into the power...but not right downwind - just a good 5, 10, 20 degrees back from the edge? Let the bar out and the kite should pick up speed and make it's way to the edge of the window. Somewhere in between is where you'll find the best power for forward momentum, out near the edge is where you'll find the best spot for edging hard upwind.

As far as I understand it anyway.

Bladerunner - 15-2-2012 at 06:08 PM

Working the edge is good but I suggest you work on getting the kite low and on the edge. Then as others describe work on cutting upwind to slow down , downwind to speed up. It is safer. " keep it low and go " my instructor used to say. I find even inching the kite low in real strong winds takes a bit of nerve but once it is low it is clear it's better.

As others mentioned size is the key. If I am low powered or under powered diving deep into the window is needed . I don't find that scarey? When the power comes on I stay out of the power zone because it makes sense. What happens to me jumping is similar in that I find my body listens to my deeper thoughts and when I try and send the kite hard I often back off ! At least you are jumping comfortably ! :cool:

dandre - 15-2-2012 at 06:41 PM

good advice all around! I learned a lot today

Slightly off topic, I read about helicopter loops the other day! What a cool idea!
It'll be a long time before I'm that good but even the idea excited me

Love to see the trial and error process on the first guy to figure that out lol