Power Kite Forum

Sliders, rings and pulleys - oh my-yyyy!

Kamikuza - 16-2-2012 at 05:46 PM

I know it's been done around here before, but there's a thread or two up at the kiteforum.com zoo... Epic and Switch are selling those nifty sliders that Cabrinha have been using on the less mobile parts of their bridles :)
IIRC they're cheaper than the Antal rings... and more durable than a lot of pulleys.


indigo_wolf - 16-2-2012 at 06:54 PM


Click images to display fullsize in a new browser window.

You mean the

Bridle Guide Links?

and for reference...

Antal Rings


Kamikuza - 16-2-2012 at 07:08 PM


arkay - 17-2-2012 at 06:47 PM

that seems like a line worst nightmare with sand, no?

Kamikuza - 17-2-2012 at 06:57 PM

Supposed to be better than rings (larger diameter) and pulleys (won't jam or break) but IMHO they're only good as Cabrinha uses them - on parts that must move but not often.

It's primarily for the DIYers though....

herc - 20-2-2012 at 06:33 AM

maybe this is interesting too, for DIY :

in germany this is kalled "kausche" - google for "nylon kausche" - thise thingys are extremely cheap ( just a few cent ) and are probably very light. not sure if those are available in small enough size for our needs though.. anyone has any experiences with "kausche"'s ?

-- edit:

actually i just learned that those antal rings are called "rundkausche" (round kausche) in germany ;-)

indigo_wolf - 20-2-2012 at 09:39 AM

Originally posted by herc
maybe this is interesting too, for DIY :

in germany this is kalled "kausche" - google for "nylon kausche" - thise thingys are extremely cheap ( just a few cent ) and are probably very light. not sure if those are available in small enough size for our needs though.. anyone has any experiences with "kausche"'s ?

In the US, they are called rope thimbles. It looks like when they give the measurement for rope thimbles, they are listing the diameter of the rope/cord line that fits the outer portion of the thimble and not the diameter of the hole formed by the thimble. 1/4" was the smallest I could find on a quick search.

Gotta admit even for the upcharge, I like the Cabrinha guides.

Small, stainless, RTG, less prone to cracking or burring. Love DIY, but...


AD72 - 20-2-2012 at 10:09 AM

I was spraying the salt water off my North Fuse yesterday and noticed the pulleys are more like guides with no moving parts and the pulley line is doubled up. North has some clever details in their kites. I could not find and image and the kite is packed away. Next time it is out I'll take a shot. Hmm wonder where I get replacement parts if it breaks. No sign of wear. The double line must spread the load out a bit more.

Kamikuza - 21-2-2012 at 10:51 PM

$3.60 a pair :o


Kober - 5-3-2012 at 09:02 PM

My Gin Zulu II and III have large rings that work great .... no wear on lines at all ...

gin_low_friction_ring-520.jpg - 56kB

Kamikuza - 5-3-2012 at 09:04 PM

Yeah they're the things under consideration too - but they're pricey. I think the Epic/Switch/Cabrinha sliders are much cheaper...

Mostly Harmless - 6-3-2012 at 04:55 AM

Buy an Ozone, no pulleys...:tumble::thumbup: