kitekid21 - 19-2-2012 at 03:44 PM
I have the possibility to get it with bar, lines and bag. For $375. It's barely been used, which I know for sure. My problem is that I don't know
what to expect from the kite first of all because it's a brand I'm not familiar with, and I also don't know if the price is good, because the Gin II
line is from 2007 I believe.
4 line depower of course.
Opinions and help are greatly appreciated!
UPDATE!! 2.29.12
I was flying it static yesterday in some 8-10mph winds and it was great! Keeping it up in the air took a lot of looping, but it handled the gusts
really well and I know it can pull pretty damn hard. I'd have it out today, except that we have 40mph gusts in Chicagoland. Tomorrow perhaps I'll get
on a mtb...
cheezycheese - 19-2-2012 at 04:00 PM
If you dont buy it, I know a few who would like to.... :evil: please post the link if you pass...
cheezycheese - 19-2-2012 at 04:01 PM
Gins are GREAT kites BTW... ask Kober, Jaymz, B-Roc....
g00fba11 - 19-2-2012 at 04:47 PM
Cheezy has the list......just ask and one of those guys will give you the full scoop...... and he is right...... if you don't grab this at that price
share the source.....
Kober - 19-2-2012 at 05:20 PM
I pass my Gin Eskimo kites to my brother and love them when learning to kite ..... Price is right for that kite and I am sure you will enjoy it as I
did ......
.... I am not sure about size you asking about ..... Eskimo was available in 4, 6, 8.5, 11.5 and 14m sizes ......
There is few videos on my YT channel when using those kites .......
thanson2001ok - 19-2-2012 at 05:21 PM
Don't they fly like an Ozone Frenzy?
B-Roc - 19-2-2012 at 05:48 PM
Eskimo is the Gin equivalent of the Frenzy, yes. I, like Kober, would tell you to confirm the size, brand or make. III series didn't come in a 7m,
II series didn't come in a 7m and I'm not really sure about the I series (or if it really ever existed).
Gin makes great kites. I think the II series came with a leashed rear line safety as opposed to a 5th line safety.
Build quality is top notch. Materials are top notch. I like all my gins with shortened rear lines. Newer models come with multiple knots on the
rear leader lines - go with the setting closest to the bar. If that's not an option, fly it first and if you don't like the way the kite turns or you
don't have enough depower or stearing with the trim strap pulled in, add a second knot about 3" down the leader and you should be good to go.
I'd scoop it at that price or kindly post the link if you choose not to.
I can say with a high degree of certainty that you will like the kite - especially at that price.
kitekid21 - 19-2-2012 at 09:11 PM
Wow! It sounds like I'd be an idiot not to jump on this. I'll definitely confirm the size first, but it seems pretty legit. Flies like a frenzy? Count
me in!
Thanks guys. I'll let you know how it goes.
kitekid21 - 20-2-2012 at 11:26 AM
And I found out its the 8.5m. Score! Going to have to pounce on this one for sure.
thanson2001ok - 20-2-2012 at 11:33 AM
Excellent size. And price. Let us know how you like it.
B-Roc - 20-2-2012 at 11:56 AM
KiteKid21, I just tried to email you some info on the Gin II series. Not sure if the attachments will go through. Let me know if they don't.
Kober - 21-2-2012 at 03:43 AM
There was unofficial Eskimo mod page somewhere ...... I can't find it ...... Indigo ????
my 8.5 in red looks awesome ..... let us know how you like it ...
B-Roc - 21-2-2012 at 03:38 PM
It was the mangojelly site. It is defunct. I have all the informatioin from that site saved on my home computer. That is what I tried to post here
and email kitekid. Posted up blank and emailed in a format that he couldn't open.
kitekid21 - 1-3-2012 at 11:56 AM
bump for the update!
Kober - 5-3-2012 at 08:54 PM
What color did you get ???? Did you try it again ??? Let us know if you happy with that purchase .....
kitekid21 - 6-3-2012 at 05:25 PM
It's a purple/blue with a neon green/yellow leading edge. The colors look different every time I look at it! But to clarify again, it is the 8.5
Flies really well. Not only great depower but it also turns on a dime. The Gin kite backpack is incredible too! So many pockets! I'll hopefully get a
"real" review up soon.
brad72 - 24-4-2012 at 10:22 PM
I just picked up an 8.5m Eskimo for about $200 and am very impressed with the build quality of the kite and the backpack. It is one of the early
models without the 5th line but is virtually brand new, only been flown a couple of times. Love that new kite smell and crispness of the fabric.
I took it out static flying in some low wind the other day but it was only just enough to fly and the kite kept back stalling and took a lot of
pulling on the front lines to get it airborne. Small gusts certainly didn't help either.
Coming from fixed bridles I have a couple of queries though. To get the depower to static fly in light winds whilst learning do I need to keep the
kite moving to get it to perform? Also, with the trim straps out, and the bar extended are the line lengths at the bridle meant to be equal. I
haven't checked this yet but being second hand I would like to check this.
B-roc, you said you run with shorter rear lines. The bar I have has trim straps on the rear lines the same as the depower trim strap. If I shorten
the rear line how exactly does is give more depower? I am still getting my head around depower systems and how to use them correctly but with only a
few flights not much experience yet. To be honest I still coming to terms with how much pull the 8.5 has even with it depowered compared to the 4m
fixed bridle I have been flying.
brad72 - 25-4-2012 at 03:55 AM
So I have just laid out my kite lines, and got them all taught. I put the bar in the neutral position with the depower trim strap released and bar
all the way forward(away from the chicken loop and against the depower trim strap) as per the instructions
All of the knots where the lines attach to the bar pre lines are level but the front flying lines are about 90mm longer than the rear lines where the
lines attach to the bridle knots. Shouldn't the knots all be equal at the bridle?
Could this be why the depower didn't feel quite right as the AOA would have been on the power side as the front lines are longer when the bar was in
the depower position?
Thanks for your help
B-Roc - 25-4-2012 at 09:26 AM
Kober can maybe direct you on whether the lines are supposed to be equal or not as he owns II series (I have one but its in transit so I can't confirm
for you).
I believe the II series uses 4 25m lines whereas the III series and above use Y lines in the center so the rear and cneter lines aren't the same
Nevertheless, I would assume that if the trimmer is released and the knots are equal on the bar side and the chicken loop is against the bar, then the
lines should be equal on the kite side. Could be that your power lines have stretched which is not uncommon and that would effect performance if they
were off by 5" or so.
Kober - 25-4-2012 at 04:49 PM
I am on iPad right now .... Hard to write anything ... I will post after getting back home ...
Brian .... Let me know how you like you be kite ......
brad72 - 27-4-2012 at 06:14 PM
I contacted Gin and they confirmed that with the bar in the depower position (away form the chicken loop), front and rear line trim straps released
that the line lengths should be equal and the knots on the bridle should be at an equal level. Excellent service from Gin I must say
To fix my long front lines I just shortened the front pre-line but haven't been able to take it for a test fly as the winds have been far to gusty at
15-30 knots (bit out of my skill set). It does make sense now though why the kite was sluggish and kept back stalling as it would have been like the
bar was pulled in all the time.
B-Roc - 27-4-2012 at 06:46 PM
conversely, you may be able to just swap the rear and power lines and just tie a new knot in the rear leader lines further down the bar or further up
the rear line leader on the kite side or shorten them on the adjustment strap. That way maybe they would stretch out and make all four equal(ish) in