Power Kite Forum


Samm - 22-2-2012 at 07:47 PM

I've heard that some food is available at nabx?.. for planning purposes, how much does nabx provide? I know theres no way all the meals for the week are covered by the $100.

bigkid - 22-2-2012 at 08:21 PM

in the past was a guy who did some cooking for the event but it was limited at best. there was breakfast burritos available for a donation. and for lunch the same type of burrito thing also available for some type of donation. and one night is the party and the meal is free.
I would bring some in case you get hungry, dont count on the event supplying for your all your hunger pains, the casinos are full of places to eat.
hope Dean or someone who really knows for sure will chime in.

coreykite - 23-2-2012 at 01:52 PM

Hey Sailors,
"In the past was a guy..."
Actually a whole crew of folks.
Cooked numerous meals for the whole bunch of us.
Led by "Dog" and included KiteBuggyMama, Scooter and a few others.

I miss those days.

It's a new world.
The kitchen will be busy providing dinners (only) 3 or 4 evenings.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, I believe.

Other sustenance is up to us.

In our camp, we are planning Zip-Loc omelettes for breakfast and some sort of sandwich fixin's for lunch.
If you're taking a room at Buffalo Bills, you may stop at the cafe for breakfast before coming out.
There are numerous fast-food establishments around the hotel/casino complex at the top of the lakebed.

Friends can split the cost of a cheap cooler to hold liquid refreshments.

Some camps with kitchen gear would probably allow you to cook, if you ask nicely.

I don't believe we've ever allowed anybody to die of starvation.

Safen Up! Buggy On!

"Often wrong... Never in doubt."

the coreylama

Cerebite - 23-2-2012 at 07:18 PM

"I don't believe we've ever allowed anybody to die of starvation." :singing:

Good to know, after all we do have those attack turtles/ tortoises [torti?]

pyro22487 - 23-2-2012 at 10:19 PM

Originally posted by coreykite

I don't believe we've ever allowed anybody to die of starvation.

LOL well that is good to know.

ripsessionkites - 24-2-2012 at 03:53 AM

McDick runs I guess for lunch ... is the monopoly game stamps still on?

deanaoxo - 24-2-2012 at 10:20 AM

Remember, please don't buy any ice from anyone but us.

Ice will be available near the big white tent!

thanks Campers!

BeamerBob - 24-2-2012 at 10:34 AM

Guys you can buy nabx ice easier at the tent than at the Chevron station. No lines and you are helping support the freezer that keeps our food for the nighttime meals. And its about the same price and right beside your car.

itchycrotch - 24-2-2012 at 02:46 PM

Dean a little bird told me you need a generator for the ice machine do you still need one if so let me know

dman - 24-2-2012 at 03:36 PM

Won't be hungry, Check. Buy lots of ice at tent, Check. Now where is my gas powered Martguerita maker??????

deanaoxo - 26-2-2012 at 08:39 AM

We have not finalized our Genny plans, no. George Brown has been suppling our power the last few years, but is traveling light this year. We need at least 5k, though 6k would be better, the compressor kicks hard when it starts.

You can contact me at deanjordan at me dot com.

Originally posted by itchycrotch
Dean a little bird told me you need a generator for the ice machine do you still need one if so let me know

itchycrotch - 26-2-2012 at 09:23 PM

Well I have a 4k with 6k surge if you think that might work.

deanaoxo - 28-2-2012 at 08:29 AM

Yes, please.

We may only need it as back up, or to run the tent, but for sure would love to have it.

Please contact me off channel at deanjordan at me dot com.

Originally posted by itchycrotch
Well I have a 4k with 6k surge if you think that might work.

itchycrotch - 28-2-2012 at 10:43 PM

Ok I will get in touch with ya