Looking_Up - 11-3-2012 at 11:19 PM
Thanks to bob for the kite he said it was used but I challenge that as this is the second kite that showed up in better than mint condition the third
of which was still seals in plastic untill now
I had the 8 up in 15 gust 25 and it was stalling allot I had to depower it almost all the way to get it to fly but then without a whole lot of power
it is a short throw 07 bar and I had all the straps on the kite pulled I but it would just barely fly with the bar all the way out
Did I set the straps on the kite wrong or does it just have to be insane to fly this kite or mabey longer pig tails
Bob how did she fly for u
Ps actualy got some good runs in but barely
dandre - 12-3-2012 at 06:33 AM
Isn't 8m like... super high wind kite?
like bottom end steady mid 20s?
BeamerBob - 12-3-2012 at 07:48 AM
I bought the kite used and it was used when Pokitetrash bought it. I only flew it once in a farm field in VERY gusty conditions just to see how it
did. I had a similar experience as you but didn't have time to sort out what it needed to tame it. G00fba11 bought it from me and flew it some and I
bought it back from him and sold it to you without flying it again. So I can't offer you any pearls of experienced wisdom. I would however try it
with straps all loose and maybe it needs some rear line extensions to balance it out and give you some breathing room on your trim. Work all this out
before you really need it that day its blowing 35!
g00fba11 - 12-3-2012 at 08:27 AM
I always flew it with the straps all loose.
I flew that arc in winds around 20 to 25mph..... with some gusts into the 30 range....... it always flew really stable for me. It is a very fast
bugger and it has superman'd me more times than I care to remember. It was the arc I learned on. If you can find the video you can see me flying
it for the first time in some pretty high gusty winds........
I custom tied my own set of pigtails so I can extend the TE lines from 3 to 18 inches each, but I don't think I remember ever having to use the
pigtails on the VII 8m...... just all straps loose....... and left the trim full depowered...... with the short throw that was on the bar that
seemed to be the sweet spot.