Originally posted by shaggs2riches
I frequently fly in 15-20km winds with my 12m speed 2. It would be a godsend to have a 19m or 21m deluxe in the same winds.
Example: Early this month when I went to the Edmonton snowkite festival, I flew my 12m speed 2 while there were others on 19 and 21 speed 3 deluxe.
The conditions allowed for me to ride, but I had to work the kite a bit, and couldn't climb upwind as well as I'd like. The 19&21 guys didn't look
like they had to work it at all, and I could see them moving upwind well. Could blame skill but I believe the bigger sail would have been the way to
go. Later in the evening, winds climbed about 5-7ish km and I was able to cruise upwind easily. The 19&21m guys were still good to go. One thing
that RevPaul pointed out to me though was that if you are the only one with a big kite, the ride could get boring if you are use to riding with other
people. Like the others said it. Ones down to personal preference really. As for me I think that a big FS is what my next purchase will be. But it
might take a whole cause the price is as huge as the kite. |