Power Kite Forum

Picture / instruction VIP Blade bridle

WindsongVIP - 29-3-2012 at 04:16 AM

Good day all..
I am new on the forum... hope you cab assist me...

I bought a VIP Blade (Flexifoil).. and had a blond moment..
I disconnect the blue (cross bridle) line in the "canopy"..
Thought it was wrongly connected - after i saw the red one - I clicked the function - now i want to make sure that i connect the blue one correctly.... The blue one is crossing under the red one now... is that right ??????

Can some one please take a picture of the inside of the VIP canopy ????? Google cant help me :(

Please ???
Thanks !!! xx

mougl - 29-3-2012 at 05:30 AM

I'll try to get a picture up soon...I'm at work for the next 12.5 hrs

bigE123 - 29-3-2012 at 02:10 PM

Try this, and zoom in

bigE123 - 29-3-2012 at 02:14 PM

Try this it's at full resolution: