Smeagol - 4-4-2012 at 03:45 PM
Hey all,
Just curious if anyone might know more about this beast:
It's a HQ Symphony 8.5m Quad. Appears to be some sort of closed cell possibly water-relaunchable design judging by the intakes (only 6!) but I don't
really know much about these. I have mostly FB open cell stuff so this one is definitely strange to me.
I of course searched around the 'net but couldn't find much info out there on it, although I did see one for sale in Germany last year. When
searching HQ Symphony they only show up to a 3.2m so I suspect this is an older model.
Also contacted HQ directly but they had no records of this model. Chris checked their records and it didn't show anything going back to 2000. I then
tried contacting HQ Europe but I didn't hear anything back. Maybe I'll give it another shot.
Anyone remember these.. or maybe have one?
Will work on getting more pics.. think I still have some on my camera.
indigo_wolf - 4-4-2012 at 06:20 PM
Digging into another epoch.
It was called the HQ Symphony Quad and was listed on their site in the Kitesurf section. Target audience was buggiers and kitesurfers.
The closed cell system was called AVS (Air-Valve-System) which retained air as soon as the kite was inflated.
Canopy was made of combination of Ventex, Ventex Strong, and nylon.
Recommended lines were 170/80 kgs (which seems kind of weak these days.
Sizes listed were 2.5M, 3.5M, 5.0M, 6.5M. It's quite possible that the 8.5M existed prior to 2000 and was then phased out (in the same way that
Flexifoil phased out the Rage 6m).
It looks like the water version of the Symphony transitioned into the open cell foil around the same time that Invento-HQ started distributing Peter
Lynn Kites (2001/2002).
Smeagol - 4-4-2012 at 07:06 PM
Thanks Sam, awesome info as usual. I did notice it's similar to the HQ Neo III & Matrixx.
Where on earth did you find this info?
Was hoping to find a manual or something on it, but that might be difficult if it's that old.
eduardo eduardo - 16-4-2012 at 03:37 PM
I have this model kite, I wonder how much it costs?
if anyone can help me, thanks ....