Power Kite Forum

Twister IIR 5.6 vs Toxic 5.1

Smeagol - 8-4-2012 at 11:16 PM

Hi all,

I recently picked up a PL Twister IIR 5.6m and even more recently a Toxic 5.1m although the Toxic is some sort of prototype (pre-HQ). We were out at the local fun fly today flying messing around with them and I decided to lay them next to each other just out of curiosity:

Anyway, check out these pics:

Is it just me, or does the Toxic look way bigger than the PL? Now, I'm pretty sure I'm not going blind or senile... :roll: and it's a little hard to tell in the pics but the toxic is a good 3-4 feet longer than the Twister.

Pretty sure this says 5.1: :smilegrin:

Maybe the 5.1 on the sail is incorrect? I'm thinking it's more like a 6.1 or perhaps the 6.5 now that I've compared it to the PL 5.6m. I found the tech specs on HQ's site so I guess I'll measure it when I get the chance and find out what it really is.

Just something odd I noticed while flying these beasts today, and thought it was interesting... ;)


dandre - 9-4-2012 at 05:29 AM

I think the aspect is different.... hmmmmmmm
looks more agressive:wee::wee::wee::wee::wee:

I'm in the market for a used twister, might have to think about the toxic now!

soliver - 9-4-2012 at 06:09 AM

What I know about these 2 kites is the the twister is a lifter, designed for jumping. I got one for my first and it scared the pants off me in the very gusty Atlanta conditions. I thought I wanted to jump, but ended up liking the bug more.

The toxic is supposed to be more of an intermediate buggy engine, designed for pulling.

If it truly is a 5.1 and its not a mistake, then it has to be a different AR.

In the long run I traded my twister out for a 5.1 core, and though I never had the 2 kites side by side, I can't tell a difference in size. I can tell a difference in its shape though, and I can tell the core is definitely less lifty. I don't feel like its going to take me to meet my make without dieing first.

take into account I may be completely wrong, cuz i am a newb,...but i do have some experience with the same twister.

Drewculous - 9-4-2012 at 08:05 AM

Apples to apples, both good jumpers, both pretty fast in the bug...

I wouldnt call the toxic an intermediate bug engine tho... It is a direct competitor to the twister, not the reactor II.

The twister flies on upper bridal tension alone, and does great at it, the toxic, favors more brake line input to get poppin!

The toxic seems a little more nimble than the twister (not sure about the 2r tho), but not by much...

I really cant say enough good things about the twister tho... Mine has had the crap kicked out of it, and it still flies like it did the first day out

mougl - 9-4-2012 at 08:13 AM

+1 on the Twister. It was my first kite and it was a good one! Easy jumps, decent float, and as much punishment as I fed it, it kept right on flying! I can't talk about the Toxic as I have never launched one.

Deep down inside I wish I had never sold my Twister...

dandre - 9-4-2012 at 08:25 AM

Originally posted by mougl
Deep down inside I wish I had never sold my Twister...

*siiighhh* +1
I never will again once I get one.

indigo_wolf - 9-4-2012 at 10:55 AM

I was wondering who got the Toxic proto from Rob. Was sooo tempted, but....


Smeagol - 9-4-2012 at 11:26 AM


I realize they probably have different aspect ratios and of course slightly different sail shapes. Just found it odd that a supposedly 5.1m would look so much larger than a 5.6m. I still need to measure the Toxic.

I should have layed the Twister on top of the Toxic to get a good idea, but I didnt' want to create a huge tangled mess. :frog:


cheezycheese - 9-4-2012 at 01:12 PM

Originally posted by Smeagol

I should have layed the Twister on top of the Toxic to get a good idea, but I didnt' want to create a huge tangled mess. :frog:


Now that's some real kite porn... :wee::ticking: bet they would have some cute lil slS-P-A-M-L-I-N-K-s

BigMikesKites - 9-4-2012 at 01:14 PM

Both great kites. Two different animals as already mentioned. One a buggy engine, the other a jumping machine. Though I have used both on the buggy. I don't jump, so I will let others comment on jumping. The Toxic is a better buggy engine of the two.

chris - 9-4-2012 at 01:33 PM

That Toxic kite picture is not an HQ.

Smeagol - 9-4-2012 at 03:36 PM

Understood. So what is it? ;) Sorry I didn't have much info on it other than it being some sort of pre-HQ prototype...


soliver - 9-4-2012 at 07:15 PM

I see some of you other guys that are more experienced than I are saying that the toxic is a good jumper or very comparable to the twister,...

That's news to me, cuz all I've seen on the current models of toxic are that it is a buggy engine, at least that's how it is advertized. All the reviews I've read/ seen deem it as that too. I can't say from experience of flying it though.

It must not be a toxic as chris said...

or just let Mr. Newby McNewberson remove his foot from his mouth,... LOL

SlasherQuan - 9-4-2012 at 08:58 PM

I have a toxic 3m and a 5m. The 3m has already earned a nickname, "Dirty Girl". Its like the girlfriend that wanted to take things to the next level, but wasn't into S&M. I love the 3 m, the 5 I have flown it a few times.....I like it but it hasn't earned itself a name yet. The toxic is not a jumper, it wants to power a buggy....it makes you want to go faster and fly harder (hence the name "Dirty Girl"). I have tried and I can get great distance but really lousy height, if jumping is your thing, look at a diffrent kite.

pongnut - 10-4-2012 at 09:26 AM

Google says 'that' Toxic has been around a few years - seems to have been a product of Didakites (Poland?) at one time. :ninja:

Drewculous - 10-4-2012 at 10:24 AM

<<----- That pic

on a HQ 6.5m toxic at jibe... its a good jumper

Smeagol - 10-4-2012 at 11:00 AM

Ah, interesting! Thanks pong.

Originally posted by pongnut
Google says 'that' Toxic has been around a few years - seems to have been a product of Didakites (Poland?) at one time. :ninja:

wardnica - 23-5-2012 at 03:40 AM

I have the same toxic and indeed it is not 5.1m... check the picture, it says the kite measures 600x150 cm

I have only flown the kite once (bought it recently). Although there was like no wind, I was able to fly this kite, which I wasn't able to do with my other kites because of the low wind. It has some serious pull power :) I was already being dragged away by it :D