Power Kite Forum

NABX Pics and Video - 1st and 2nd Batch Pics +10 vid - Family Guy Kite vid added

g00fba11 - 9-4-2012 at 08:27 AM

I started working through some of the NABX pics and videos I took while there.

Here is a link to the first batch of pics....


and here is the first video I got uploaded.....

More to come...... Hope you enjoy!!!

Drewculous - 9-4-2012 at 08:29 AM

Kite pr0n!!!

Sweet! Thanks Goof!

I love the shots with all the kites up!

Coolbreeze - 9-4-2012 at 08:34 AM

Thanks Goof.......................

g00fba11 - 9-4-2012 at 08:37 AM

There will be more to come......

Phreerider taking a go at an NPW on a Haize board.....Along with some other stuff..... I still got lots of pics and vid to go through so stay tuned.....

Bladerunner - 9-4-2012 at 11:02 AM

I am so glad somebody caught me trying to " Ride for AJ " !

There wasn't enough wind for me to even make it out to the rag flappers race course but I gave it a shot !


g00fba11 - 9-4-2012 at 11:07 AM

Here is the second batch of pics..... hope I don't have to many doubles.....


pokitetrash - 9-4-2012 at 11:20 AM

Great pics Goof!

BeamerBob - 9-4-2012 at 11:45 AM

I can't put a price on how nice it is having your pictures Goof. Come back when you're healed up and I'll take pics of you out there!

dman - 9-4-2012 at 02:28 PM

Great stuff g00f.

g00fba11 - 9-4-2012 at 04:34 PM

Thanks guys.....I hope to have more video coming soon.......

cheezycheese - 9-4-2012 at 05:52 PM

Great pics Goof !!! so many great shots... :wee:

g00fba11 - 9-4-2012 at 06:17 PM

Some P2 footage and some more Rev fun.....

Drewculous - 9-4-2012 at 07:14 PM

Awesome stuff! Thank you from everyone that couldnt make it out there!

g00fba11 - 9-4-2012 at 07:34 PM

Watch for some more videos..... I will be adding them as I can....they take some time to upload.....I am processing one for "Pokitetrash Productions" right now.....

Stay tuned......video is processing.......

nocando - 9-4-2012 at 10:03 PM

Wicked pics Goof

bigkid - 9-4-2012 at 11:04 PM

Nice job capturing the better:o side of me, thanks.:o

pokitetrash - 10-4-2012 at 03:08 AM

That vid of me shows how important a good kite monkey is. Thanks BeamerBob! He kept tossing it up wrong though.:duh:

rocfighter - 10-4-2012 at 04:46 AM

Chris you always make me feel better about my flying abilities!!
Really though I thing if Beaver was better at helping you wouldn't have had so much trouble!!:wee:

PHREERIDER - 10-4-2012 at 05:33 AM

Goof, great to meet you and very nice of you to bring it all back to the forum. hope your recovery is smoothing out. very nice job with the pics and vid!

g00fba11 - 10-4-2012 at 05:49 AM

Phree, Likewise great to meet you.....the recovery is going well thanks......hopefully I will have all the vids done and up with in the next few days.

@BigKid.....your welcome!!! Thought I had some other shots of you too.....:lol:

@nocando..... Thanks much....hope you noticed the guys made sure to get your flag out for the google flyover pic.....

g00fba11 - 10-4-2012 at 06:15 AM

Here is an awesome 6.6m Libre Spirit being flown by Mark.

Phreerider meets up with his old 10m Venom for a reunion ride.....

Hopefully Phree will stop by and add his commentary......

Stay tuned......Video is processing.......130 minutes left from 8:53AM CST

BeamerBob - 10-4-2012 at 07:07 AM

Does anyone know where I can take a "kite monkey" training class so I can do better next time? :duh::duh::embarrased:

PHREERIDER - 10-4-2012 at 09:58 AM

oh boy, 40-50 ...what a herky, jerky ride. the V10 went up for a few minutes ...i had already had the Vii13m for about 20 min. jeff had the meter showing 42mph and after about 15min i had enough without issue other than too much power to do anything of consequence. then after sitting around for 30min watching the thick dust pour by i wanted to give goof's v10 a go... despite the small size the zippy nature makes the v10 super snatchy, at this wind unit goes full C-kite without any depower.

even though the 13m was huge power it was very stable, and eventually having to have anchor assist to land on the side. thank you jeff.

the v10 was bobbing crazy and got a few mini lofts without any input, then starts the luff and snatch at the top and jerks me as i PILOT through the RVs. i use the word pilot because i just don't have that kinda luck. in the snatch thru , rig had fallen down into the window and pops violently up already between the RVs i knew where things were going just the rate of change was a bit surprising. i stayed on my feet and butt through out the gust and had assistance for anchor and QR. thankfully all was fine.

"obstacle" concern is typically not on my list of problems, but just as i sat down and watched it falling i knew this was a true moment of focus and thread the needle in a hurricane was the drill. A choice of unbalance(hands off the bar) to pull the QR, or stay balanced and shot the gap. that was decided faster than i could have ever pull the QR.

thankful for all who watched out, helped and laughed with me afterwards.

g00fba11 - 10-4-2012 at 11:11 AM

I didn't have Phree's perspective and to me it looked like he was heading to become part of the side of BigKid's RV.....scared the crap out of me and I wasn't even the guy flying.....once everyone knew Phree was safe and all was good we enjoyed a good laugh.....

Here is a video of some blokarting and other such wind powered fun......

Stay tuned......Video is processing.......95 minutes left from 1:10PM CST

DAKITEZ - 10-4-2012 at 01:59 PM

thanks for the video g00fba11 ... I saw myself in that last video at the 1:23 mark in the bottom left corner ... now I'm famous :wee:

Drewculous - 10-4-2012 at 02:36 PM

Lol nice one phree!!

Always be aware of downwind objects :lol: (and try not to fly into the side of them) :lol:

Glad you made it out with no injury!

I love that all of you down there are getting a taste of nebraska-esq winds!
Big and gusty! 'nother day in the bluffs!!

g00fba11 - 10-4-2012 at 06:35 PM

Stephan and Co....putting on some speed and other such kiting stuff.....

Stay tuned......Video is processing......45 minutes from 8:33pm CST.....

rocfighter - 10-4-2012 at 06:59 PM

Hey Bobby I made that comment to make Chris feel better about his flying!!:yes: You know better than any one how poutty and sad he gets if he feels he didn't do good! :lol:
Just don't tell him I told you this!:wee:

g00fba11 - 11-4-2012 at 05:16 AM

Phree had a bit of an issue with his pants in this vid.....

Stay tuned......Video is processing......130 minutes from 7:15am CST

PHREERIDER - 11-4-2012 at 09:20 AM

right on goof! exposing me for the ass that i truly am, its a sign.

nice series going goof keep'em coming

BeamerBob - 11-4-2012 at 10:27 AM

Originally posted by rocfighter
Hey Bobby I made that comment to make Chris feel better about his flying!!:yes: You know better than any one how poutty and sad he gets if he feels he didn't do good! :lol:
Just don't tell him I told you this!:wee:

I was doing the same thing! He really is sensitive as you know. I think he is still brooding just a bit thinking I moved from Georgia just to get away from him. Let's just keep this between you and me though. :smilegrin:

g00fba11 - 11-4-2012 at 12:26 PM

@Phree.....I think you exposed yourself...:lol:......

I am back to work so more videos will be on their way but at a slower pace.....stay tuned.....

g00fba11 - 11-4-2012 at 06:50 PM

Lots of guys flying big kites and buggy rides

Video processing......stay tuned.....done....

The Family Guy Kite....

Video processing......stay tuned.....141 minutes left from 10:22pm CST

popeyethewelder - 18-4-2012 at 01:56 AM

Well, Goof all I can say is for every bad thing there is a good thing, and to see you laying there one moment with your injury knowing your kiting time for this years nabx was most certainly over, the up side being you have captured the event superbly well with your camera, your videos and photos are fantastic and and I have looked through them all more than once I can tell you.

I enjoyed your sense of humour, you are right up my street in that department for sure, and I could tell that the moment I met you when you showed me your photos of my helmet in the shower etc, very funny. I hope you are continuing to heal well and your wife didnt make you sell all your gear, I know this was a major concern to start with, but she was coming around by the end of the event lol.

Fantasticlly captured Ryan, well done my friend

pokitetrash - 18-4-2012 at 05:57 PM

Originally posted by BeamerBob
Originally posted by rocfighter
Hey Bobby I made that comment to make Chris feel better about his flying!!:yes: You know better than any one how poutty and sad he gets if he feels he didn't do good! :lol:
Just don't tell him I told you this!:wee:

I was doing the same thing! He really is sensitive as you know. I think he is still brooding just a bit thinking I moved from Georgia just to get away from him. Let's just keep this between you and me though. :smilegrin:

I'm not talking to you two. :moon:

g00fba11 - 18-4-2012 at 06:27 PM

PTW, thanks so much. I really appreciate your comments. It was so great to meet you and be able to hit it off with some fun right off the start.

I was so happy how the shots on my little camera turned out and the iPhone video was also a pleasant surprise.

Work has me busy again, but I got a couple more vids to get uploaded....then I want to go through and do an edit with the best highlights set to some great tunes.

So keep an eye out....

g00fba11 - 26-5-2013 at 09:46 AM

Boy...does this bring back memories.....reminds me.....I never did finish the edit of my crash....one of these days.....

Bigbear97e - 26-5-2013 at 12:11 PM

good to hear from you . . . long time . . .hope all is well

g00fba11 - 26-5-2013 at 05:38 PM

Yup...been a while.....figured I would do a drive by and see what was up....took a look at this old thread and got waxing poetic...LoL....

Life handed me a curve ball.....but hangin in......