Kitevibe - 9-4-2012 at 01:13 PM
As promised to George and Chip, here is a link to my kite buggy video that was shown by Lenka during the Ozone party night:
A big thanks to the organising team and everyone who made it out to the pre-event and Ivanpah. Another great year with even more to see and do. I even
liked the nuclear winds on friday :roll:
A quick foot note. I did some extra shooting with the Chip on the last couple of days with my iPhone strapped to Chip's revolution kite. Expect a
re-edit of the above with more 'kite' in it. As always time is the enemy, but I'll put it up here first once it's done. ;-)
All the best,
ripsessionkites - 9-4-2012 at 07:32 PM
Just plain out AWESOME!!!
bobalooie57 - 10-4-2012 at 07:14 AM
Did you use the RC heli-cam to get that awesome footage? Very nice video, thanks for posting.
PHREERIDER - 10-4-2012 at 07:57 AM
damn thats how its done folks! beautiful
rev power blast cam ...yeah?
Kitevibe - 18-4-2012 at 05:02 AM
Thanks everyone for the feedback
I used a Contour video camera ( gaffer taped to the end of a pole and then used Adobe After Effects to make the pole disappear.
Like a lot of things once you've done it you figure out a better way afterwards - I've since sold the Contour and bought an iPhone 4s which does a
better job. Whilst I was at NABX this year I strapped it to Chip's Revolution and we came up with some interesting footage.
I've just got back from LV so give me a few weeks or so and there should be a bit more 'kite' in the next edit.