Power Kite Forum

Enter the Corsair...more pics added!

mougl - 10-4-2012 at 05:23 PM

With so many options for buggies on today's market, it can get confusing which brand to choose. Some are better cruisers, some are better freestylers, some are better novice, and some racers. We can absolutely see where this can create confusion and have been working on a solution. That solution is Corsair Kite Buggies. Corsair will soon offer everything from entry level recreational buggies to professional level race buggies.

The first of the Corsair line is a race buggy. (Frigate class) It is aptly named "Flying Dutchman". It will feature curved side rails, a long rear axle, adjustable camber, adjustable ride heigth, and much, much more. This buggy is still in its prototype stage and will be hopefully available for demo at JIBE. If you were at NABX and got to take a peek at Helioboy50s buggy, it will be similar to that, but with more features.

Helioboy50s buggy at NABX

These buggies are being designed and fabricated by someone with several years of metal fabrication experience, and a meticulous eye for detail. Sometimes he's told he's overly critical of his work. All the better if you ask this sailor! The bonus with the builder, he has been a kiter for years and understands the dynamics of our sport. He also understands how much punnishment we put our gear thru and builds there buggies to withstand that punnishment and more.

More details will be provided as they become available. I wish we could give you more on the "mystery buggy", but if we give more information it wouldn't be much of a mystery now would it?

The Corsair is coming...

John Holgate - 12-4-2012 at 03:09 AM

'Frigate Class' ??? What do you mean by 'Frigate Class' ??

indigo_wolf - 12-4-2012 at 06:30 AM

Originally posted by John Holgate
'Frigate Class' ??? What do you mean by 'Frigate Class' ??

Frigate Class, built for speed and maneuverability. Larger than a Corvette, smaller than a Destroyer.

Interesting to classify buggies by their seafaring counterparts given to wind driven origins of the latter.


Drewculous - 12-4-2012 at 06:43 AM

On that note.... Wheres the destroyer class :evil:

mougl - 12-4-2012 at 07:20 AM

There are no plans for a destroyer class. So far we are considering the following:

Galleon class
Sloop class
Schooner class
Brigantine class

We are very excited about this new brand, and so far we have received several compliments from those who have seen one of the buggies up close.

More to come :)

Drewculous - 12-4-2012 at 11:09 AM

Originally posted by mougl

Schooner class

(sorry for the horrid quality)

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


BeamerBob - 12-4-2012 at 11:25 AM

So where are the buggies? Pictures, reviews? Who is making them? Why all the secrecy? This isn't creating anticipation IMHO.

Drewculous - 12-4-2012 at 11:33 AM

I hear there will be a semi big deal at JIBE this year concerning these buggs.... lol mougl just cant keep a secret and has to tease with a pic or two :lol:

Ive seen some build photos, and they look like pretty decent buggs... i'll let Scott spill the bloody details tho :cool:

John Holgate - 12-4-2012 at 03:37 PM

I guess using classes of ships to describe the handling of the buggy will work ok for those of you who know your boats but I imagine it will leave more than a few of us scratching our heads.....:puzzled:

nocando - 12-4-2012 at 04:06 PM

I will have a Schooner please

WIllardTheGrey - 12-4-2012 at 04:22 PM

Frigate class

Galleon class

Sloop class

Schooner class

Brigantine class

All images pirated from The Pirate King

mougl - 12-4-2012 at 05:40 PM

Originally posted by BeamerBob
So where are the buggies? Pictures, reviews? Who is making them? Why all the secrecy? This isn't creating anticipation IMHO.

It's not a secret, obviously :lol: The prototype is under construction so photos are a little short right now. I will have the proto at JIBE. Reviews? Again, hard to supply before the buggy is complete. Helioboy50 is the builder and designer and judging from the response for people at NABX that took the time to look at the buggy, he's pretty good at what he does :)

Not trying to create a lot of anticipation really, just putting a little info out there as info becomes available. I'd give more details but I don't have all the details yet. I will give more as they become available. I'd rather give tid bits as I get them that i know are fact rather than speculate and be wrong.

John: Sorry mate, should have mentioned that Corsairs naming method goes back to pirate roots so to speak. Corsair is using types of pirate ships as buggy classes :)

BeamerBob - 12-4-2012 at 05:47 PM

Originally posted by mougl
Originally posted by BeamerBob
So where are the buggies? Pictures, reviews? Who is making them? Why all the secrecy? This isn't creating anticipation IMHO.

It's not a secret, obviously :lol: The prototype is under construction so photos are a little short right now. I will have the proto at JIBE. Reviews? Again, hard to supply before the buggy is complete. Helioboy50 is the builder and designer and judging from the response for people at NABX that took the time to look at the buggy, he's pretty good at what he does :)

Not trying to create a lot of anticipation really, just putting a little info out there as info becomes available. I'd give more details but I don't have all the details yet. I will give more as they become available. I'd rather give tid bits as I get them that i know are fact rather than speculate and be wrong.

John: Sorry mate, should have mentioned that Corsairs naming method goes back to pirate roots so to speak. Corsair is using types of pirate ships as buggy classes :)

Cool! The secrecy I was talking about was this info which obviously was accessible already. Heli seemed pleased with how the buggy handled so lets see how things turn out! Carry on!

mougl - 12-4-2012 at 05:49 PM

LOL yeah hes pretty stoked :)

The buggy he had is similar to the one I will have to demo at JIBE, a few more upgrades on mine :thumbup:

We intend to do a full line of buggies, but starting with the zoom zoom bugs :)

indigo_wolf - 12-4-2012 at 06:49 PM

Originally posted by mougl
We intend to do a full line of buggies, but starting with the zoom zoom bugs :)

Indeed ;)

Will commemorative Fleer cards be included? :smilegrin:


DAKITEZ - 12-4-2012 at 10:32 PM

Beaver can't stand it if he is not up on all the latest gossip :lol:

Speaking of gossip I heard there is a spare apexx hanging out in Henderson and beaver is giving away free parts :shocked2:

BeamerBob - 13-4-2012 at 08:09 AM

Originally posted by DAKITEZ

Speaking of gossip I heard there is a spare apexx hanging out in Henderson and beaver is giving away free parts :shocked2:

I haven't given anything away yet but I've been working on my polishing skills since the extra Apexx arrived. I've found it's a waste of time if you don't start out with 60 grit and then work your way up.

indigo_wolf - 13-4-2012 at 08:23 AM

Originally posted by BeamerBob
I've found it's a waste of time if you don't start out with 60 grit and then work your way up.

As I have spent the last 24 hours with pores embedded with flux and metal filings, I kinda have to agree with you.


mougl - 30-4-2012 at 12:53 PM

Update: The QAR will be at JIBE and based on input we have been getting from fellow kiters, it would appear a freeride buggy will be next on the agenda. (Sloop class)

Beaudryjoel - 30-4-2012 at 05:37 PM

What kind of prices are you guys thinking for the schooner class?
I realize the prototype is not even built.
Maybe an idea on the frigate then?

mougl - 30-4-2012 at 06:35 PM

Prices are not yet set in stone but I sent you an email anyway :lol:

We plan on being quite competitive in the pricing department. I'll update with pricing once the proto is in production, should be not too long after JIBE :)

Drewculous - 30-4-2012 at 07:44 PM

sloop class.... oh yeah, gimme some air!!

mougl - 30-4-2012 at 07:48 PM


mougl - 9-5-2012 at 10:21 AM

Pre paint.

Laser cut.

Before cross bracing.

Cross braced.

These are all of the proto I will have at JIBE :)

Drewculous - 9-5-2012 at 11:33 AM

Interesting ride with no seat lmao!!!

(j/k I know its in the mail)

mougl - 9-5-2012 at 11:45 AM

Buggy Bags incoming lol

indigo_wolf - 9-5-2012 at 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Drewculous
Interesting ride with no seat lmao!!!

Builds the abdominal muscles... strong like bull. :thumbup: ;)


mougl - 9-5-2012 at 06:28 PM

Corsair Kite Buggies FB group up and running :)

Message me for an add :wee:

Drewculous - 9-5-2012 at 06:40 PM



Cerebite - 12-5-2012 at 11:51 AM

aesthetically I love the look of that round down tube :wee:

heliboy50 - 13-5-2012 at 04:14 AM

Originally posted by Cerebite
aesthetically I love the look of that round down tube :wee:

Others have said the same, so that's why it is still there. It was only going to be on the 1st proto, not the easiest thing to build.:puzzled:

lad - 13-5-2012 at 05:39 AM

Considering my last, wild, WWBB day (with all those deep sand trenches)...maybe I was riding a "Titanic" class? :bird:

mistakesdemotivator.jpg - 51kB

mougl - 13-5-2012 at 06:57 PM

Titanic class :lol:

After the Sesh in the scout today, I can't wait for the QAR to get here :)

heliboy50 - 13-5-2012 at 11:39 PM

1st time on the beach with mine today. Freakin' blast, big down wind run on the dune face at Sunset. Never had that much fun with a northerly wind. Can't wait for Tuesday.......:bouncing::bouncy:

sunset-Jim - 14-5-2012 at 08:42 AM

ya coming back out to the beach on Tuesday?

heliboy50 - 14-5-2012 at 09:43 AM

I wish. The second one of these lands in Georgia then. I'll be back out Saturday.

rocfighter - 15-5-2012 at 06:26 PM

Heliboy I discovered the joys of sand dunes at Wildwood this year. What a blast going over them.

bobalooie57 - 2-6-2012 at 04:05 PM

Just wondering if any video or reviews of this rig will be forthcoming? :ticking:

mougl - 2-6-2012 at 04:47 PM

A short video from JIBE is in the works :)

Reviews we will leave open to those who tried it out. I enjoyed it! Then again it was made to fit me specifically :lol: Most of those who tried it seemed to like it as well but I don't want to speak for them. There are a couple of minor changes we need to make but they are easy fixes. Rake was a bit much for sand, easily changed. Running barrows on hard pack let the rear slip a bit. Should have run extra wides at least. Other than those 2 things, it was awesome! There will be more coming from Corsair in the weeks to come, til the video is up I'll let others give their impressions :)

bobalooie57 - 2-6-2012 at 04:54 PM

Thanks for that, Scott. Can't wait to hear more! There can never be too many choices! :yes:

mougl - 2-6-2012 at 04:59 PM

Please also keep in mind that the QAR is our race buggy. This will not be our most popular model. Josh built that one first because I wouldn't shut up about a racer :lol: I'm betting the more popular models will be in the schooner class (all around cruiser) or the freestyle buggy that is being developed now. Not sure if that should be sloop class or destroyer class :lol: the QAR as it was built was better suited for the lake bed which is why some changes are being made for hard pack riding. I'll do my best to keep everyone up to date on how the freestyle and cruiser buggies progress :)

bobalooie57 - 2-6-2012 at 05:12 PM

I think your race buggy ought to be well suited to the beach, as that is where most race action takes place, I think? In Europe, anyway, not much of a race circuit here! QAR(?) a straight line speedster? (lakebed and all) or am I just confused by the lingo?

mougl - 2-6-2012 at 05:19 PM

QAR - Queen Anns Revenge the ship Edward Teach (Blackbeard) sailed. The race buggy is named after the QAR :) It will work on sand perfectly after the modifications are made. The rake is what held it back a bit. Had a tendency to under steer a bit. Once we lessen the degree of rake, it will turn mucho better-o. :) I also want to play with seat positioning a bit to better balance the buggy. I do have to say the curved side rails were sweeeeeet and the buggy is bomb proof!

soliver - 5-6-2012 at 08:07 AM

Wow, Scott. It really seems like you guys have got your ducks in a row!

I'm excited to see the vid, when do expect to have it ready? I had trouble getting a good look at the bug from the pics, I really want to see it in action.

I had an awesome ride on JI myself. Those beaches really are pretty awesome.

popeyethewelder - 6-6-2012 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by mougl
Running barrows on hard pack let the rear slip a bit. Should have run extra wides at least.

Running barrows on the rear has nothing to do with rear slip, putting wides on will make it worse, and they sit on a flatter profile, a barrow tyre will cut into hard packed sand much better, if the rear end is slipping out it is to do with the balance of the buggy, nothing more imho....could be simply rectified by moving the seat further back, to get more weight on the rear wheels.

van - 6-6-2012 at 12:31 PM

That's been my experience. Buggy must be balance to prevent slipping. Moving the seat will change weight distribution but will also change your tow point. You have to balance both weight and tow point together to get a good buggy.

van - 6-6-2012 at 12:31 PM

Freaking phone.. double post

heliboy50 - 6-6-2012 at 03:23 PM

Buggy is balanced just fine. Seat is from another buggy and requires some fiddling to get in position which will be resolved when the production seats are finalized. Scott did fine considering he had never seen this buggy in person and had to fit it on the fly.

mougl - 6-6-2012 at 03:29 PM

It was an interesting experience for sure :lol: The seat didn't fit quite right even with the tinkering with it. Maybe just my lack of experience with a full on race buggy. :) What I do know is yes, it did need the seat moved a bit further back. Other than that and the rake (fixed now) its was a stellar ride :wee:

awindofchange - 7-6-2012 at 10:46 AM

I too must say that wider tires will not help the slipping of the rear end, it is the balance of the buggy. Been there, done that, got the T Shirt. :) Buggy balance and triangulation is a huge factor and something that is most important when developing a race buggy. Proper balance can be obtained by adjusting the location of the seat and the length of the downtube. Once the balance is done properly, then you can adjust all other things such as front fork location, foot pegs, etc...

RonH - 7-6-2012 at 12:46 PM

It also depends on the kite you fly...

At nabx I rode with the vapor 2.3 and the front whould break free first. Swapping out to my cooper 3.3 made the rear break out first.

My assumption is the vapor flew farther to the edge changing the angle of the pull.

bigkid - 17-7-2012 at 06:46 AM

Originally posted by RonH
It also depends on the kite you fly...

At nabx I rode with the vapor 2.3 and the front whould break free first. Swapping out to my cooper 3.3 made the rear break out first.

My assumption is the vapor flew farther to the edge changing the angle of the pull.

Ron, you are correct. Kites have a lot to do with buggy tuning, along with the type of harness and spreader bar set up.
Way to many things involved, like Ford or Chevy, Dodge or Toyota, Nissan.... well we all know this, right?

You have come along way Josh, lookin Good.:thumbup: