Originally posted by macboy
Are you 5"10" only when you're on the board?
Couldn't resist.
It sounds odd about the line crossing thing. I'd think if one was wrapped, they both should be. Like if the kite flipped inside the lines without you
noticing. The only other thing would be if you wrapped a brake line around the entire bar but again, it'd be crossed over all of the lines I think.
When I'm wrapping up I hold the chickenloop to the bar, reach the brake leaders to the middle of the bar and hold them with a finger, then grab all
four lines (or the brake leaders and the centerline assembly, wrap a few times in a fig 8 around the middle and when I get to the flying lines (past
all the center line bits and bobbles) I start wrapping in a fig 8 around the bar ends.
Unwrap is oppositie of wrap.
Usually only a few full twists to sort out. |