Power Kite Forum

Packing down fs

finalcell - 22-4-2012 at 10:53 AM

I'm looking for method that's bulletproof to pack flysurfer kites. So i'm always certain that after unwinding i'm ready to lunch, because of very small launching space.
Only choice that i have is to put kite on water when it drifts away i unwind lines and hope for best.
But my folding method has some errors because there are always some twists on main lines or small knots on bridle that must by shaken by hand.

So what to do ?

macboy - 22-4-2012 at 11:54 AM

link didn't work....

macboy - 22-4-2012 at 11:54 AM

Drift Launch PrePack

finalcell - 22-4-2012 at 12:05 PM

thanks, it's exactly what i was looking for but didn't know what to enter in search engine :D

tridude - 25-4-2012 at 04:52 AM

reminder...............always tug at your lines and bridles during setup..............what appears to be tangled is usually not..................unpack, unwind, tug, and launch

Kamikuza - 25-4-2012 at 05:51 AM

I wouldn't want to risk knots in the bridles ... they don't always tug out :( 99% of the time they do though!

Flyfish - 25-4-2012 at 06:51 AM

Hey Macboy,
Is it me, or is foilzone gone? I can't ever get anything to come up with that site.
I try to be super careful on packing so everything is good coming back out. Like tridude said. I've been jiggling the lines to open up the bridals before I run the lines out. I lay the kite out, hold the bar near the kite, and shake each line leading to the bridal before I lay lines out. That way once I roll them out I know I'm good to launch. Like you, ive found there may be a twist in the lines, but (someone correct me if I'm wrong) I just start to launch with the twist, then flip the bar once the kite is in the air. To me the twists are a non event, but when the bridal has issues, that sucks.


patpelzel - 25-4-2012 at 09:33 AM

Make sure you have the www in front of foilzone as looks like something goofy with their redirect or lack there-of....

so: www.foilzone.com always loads for me - foilzone.com not-so- much.


Kamikuza - 25-4-2012 at 05:39 PM

Try this - http://goo.gl/38U5c

What I do ... is kind of like the Gunnar video except I can never keep my bar dry so I don't roll it up inside the kite. Same up until I throw the bar over to the LE side ... tidy up the bridles, drag one wing tip to the other, then roll up from the tips. I USED to roll up one tip then the other (very easy unroll, less tangles!) but that took even more time!

Unpacking ... roll the kite out, grab the upwind tip and give it a flick and let the wind roll it out downwind. Sand that tip then jiggle out the bridles. Taking care when unwinding the lines to untwist as I go. But I still walk back up (to pre-fill) the lines and check they're all laid our nicely.

I usually go out over-powered so I like it to be perfect when the kite goes up in the air :)