Power Kite Forum

NPW5 6.9m

martinipro - 24-4-2012 at 11:06 AM

Looking from answers from the NPW gurus

I got a NPW5 6.9m at WBB. Always been intrigued about these kites.

What kind of winds would I need to get moving on a buggy with this thing at 160#, Grass/Hardpacked and BF tires?
What are the recommended line lengths and how would that affect the bottom end?

Should I attach the handles to the bridle? should I go with 10m lines? How about 25m lines?

kitemaker4 - 24-4-2012 at 11:44 AM

Reguarding line lenght, anything goes. You just need to play around with different line lenghts in different wind speeds. The kite will get you moving in winds below 10 mph.

Susan (npw goddess)

John Holgate - 24-4-2012 at 03:31 PM

Only just started using these myself....here's what I'm finding...

If it's anything like my 7m Nasa Star 2....which someone said was loosely based on a NPW 5... it was park 'n ride from about 5-6 knots. Longer lines means a longer power stroke and more time in the power zone. I would use longer lines in light wind...25-30m. I've only tried shorter 10m lines so far once and it certainly seemed a lot less powerful. There's some video of the 7m (blue/white) NS2 at the end of this video: Buggying with the Nasa Star's

I'm just getting to know the Nasa's myself and am loving them in inland wind. They produce power and will park 'n ride much sooner and at slower speeds than any of my foils and will stay in the air while heavier kites struggle.