doddg - 27-4-2012 at 05:24 AM
I am available to just pick up and go with just a days notice to go buggying at Wildwood, only 4 hour drive for me. If any of you are thinking of
going, please give me a call. 717 515 2528. I only have small parks around here....Best wishes, Dodd
ragden - 27-4-2012 at 05:35 AM
I was thinking about heading out there this weekend, but tides are NOT in our favor (early morning/late evenin low tide). Doesnt mean it would be
unrideable, but it would certainly mean not riding the hard pack by the water's edge unless you are either staying very late, or getting up before
Add to that, Saturday's winds look flukey at best. Sunday looks like a rideable day, but only on North beach, which does not have a huge amount of
beach on a LOW tide. High tide would mean very little to ride on (unless they have moved a lot of sand up there).
Let us take a look at it next weekend, when the tides are low in the middle of the day... As long as winds cooperate.
martinipro - 27-4-2012 at 10:49 AM
I can't really make it during the week.
I could definitely be interested during weekends!
lad - 27-4-2012 at 12:32 PM
As a rule of thumb, the WW tides are best every OTHER weekend.
(Powerkiteplace Don Swords would often go to WW twice a month on the low tide weekends.)
So, that is a handy gauge to plan ahead. 'Course we'll have tourist season soon...and then you might want to look at the later Summer evening low
tides, if going out at all.