rocfighter - 1-5-2012 at 04:13 AM
Friday is TheKidd's 16th Birthday. I want to thank every one at the Bash for helping to celibrate this milestone with us. Even though it was a bit
early. He is a great young man and I am very proud to be his Dad and friend. We had a great time this year again and look forward to the fall bash.
Thanks again, Dave.
cheezycheese - 1-5-2012 at 04:18 AM
Happy B'day Cameron... Friday is also my daughter Courtney's B'day(15) as well... :bigok:
rocfighter - 1-5-2012 at 04:48 AM
Cool beans Mark. Let her know we are thinking about her. You have good kids too. I think it's a kiting thing!!Most of us seem to have good kids. I
believe it is because kiting is a family thing. And we spend more time with our kids than people in other hobbies or addictions!!
snowspider - 1-5-2012 at 07:25 AM
:bigok: , hitting the big leagues!
bobalooie57 - 1-5-2012 at 09:24 AM
So, when is the driver's license appointment? haha Happy B-day Kidd!
shehatesmyhobbies - 1-5-2012 at 02:03 PM
Happy Birthday Cameron! Glad we could help be a part in your celebration! That cake was good!
rocfighter - 1-5-2012 at 04:39 PM
Rich we are still eating it a little at a time. We brought it home and froze it in small pieces!! It is good but the edges are to sweet!!
WELDNGOD - 1-5-2012 at 05:02 PM
I'm thinkin' you can't call him the Kidd no more... Now he's the young Mann... Just sayin' Happy B-Day Cam!!!!
doneski - 1-5-2012 at 05:52 PM
Happy birthday Cameron! Hope to see you soon at Nahant.
doublespeed360 - 2-5-2012 at 06:02 PM
happy birthday kidd....still plenty time to go wrong....let me count the ways.paulo
rocfighter - 12-6-2012 at 07:30 AM
Well the cake was good but way to much of it. So we brought it home and froze it in smaller pieces. We just took the last piece out last night and it
is still good!! Thanks every one for sharing the celebration with Cameron. He is still talking about it.