Power Kite Forum

Edmonton kiters !!

Bigbear97e - 9-5-2012 at 04:52 PM

Heading "home" to Edmonton for a nephews wedding ... June 23rd weekend ... bringing kites and bug ..... If you plan to kite that weekend, let me know via u2u and I would meet up.

Macboy .. I got this scorp 16 from flyjump and a brand new/never flown phantom18 from VinceH @ horizon ... remember how I selfishly pestered you for an ARC lesson?:smilegrin::wee::smilegrin:

I am currently searching around for kite friendly fields ... any suggestions would be great .... I have a buddy in Spruce Grove with a big open farm field, but the cowpies are a little distracting...;-)

Bladerunner - 9-5-2012 at 04:55 PM

Yeee Haw !

Somebody has to get Mac out ! :thumbup:

Drive over the hill to the coast and I'll be happy to help you out ! ;-)

macboy - 9-5-2012 at 08:17 PM

Arc lessons on the house. Maybe we can get Mukluk out with his Arcs too. And bring Kiteboyza, Canuck and KiteDelight out? Saturday I'm going to scope the 'beach' at Cooking lake to see how junked up it isand if it's rideable in a bug or not. That buggy of mine has spent far too much time hung from the garage roof.

I've got a big field across from my place if there are no other large flyable places that weekend. U2U'd you a phone #. Feel free to write it on any bathroom wall.

canuck - 9-5-2012 at 08:40 PM

If there is something rideable on Coyotes or landboard I'll be there with arcs et al. Maybe we'll get a hailstorm and snowkite :D

revpaul - 10-5-2012 at 08:42 AM

if i'm around i'll be in.
i'll bring landsailer too
hope theres gonna be wind.

Bigbear97e - 10-5-2012 at 08:55 AM

I hope there is wind too ... be the pits to lug my gear on a 1000 km hwy trip for no wind .... couple more people and we may have created the first Cooking lake buggy bash ....:smilegrin::thumbup:

Bigbear97e - 1-6-2012 at 05:59 PM

21 days til the bear hits Alberta ...... :Ange09: (wind dance... :D)

macboy - 1-6-2012 at 07:20 PM

Keep dancing! We got wind this weekend thanks to your post :lol:

kiteboyza - 5-6-2012 at 07:02 AM

I have Stars golf tournament on the Saturday but am free on Sunday

Bigbear97e - 16-6-2012 at 10:42 AM

Bump ... 5 days 'til the bear heads to Alberta .... Macboy, If it's OK with you, I will phone ya tonight after dinner and see if you are still in for a meet up on Saturday ... any other edmonton kiters have advice on where to buggy around the city? Leduc? other big fields? As my first post back at the start says .... most of the field I have access to if full of "obstacles":tumble: packing all my gear and looking for a meet up on Saturday 23rd.

macboy - 16-6-2012 at 10:04 PM

It's worth checking Google maps and considering my yard if the wind's looking good. If the softball area is a bust due to games, the rugby side is usually open. Callingwood may be a bust with soccer but worth checking in a NW/N wind. Surrounded by either buildings or traffic on all sides and littered with soccer goal posts.

Argyll Park (My place.)

I'll make sure my buggy is back together. Might have the second one rolling by then if my headstock bearings arrive in time. I'll drag out all the toys.

macboy - 16-6-2012 at 10:07 PM

Canuck - bring the Coyotes - the field here is GREAT for them. Nice and nimble.

.....I think now (the night before father's day) would be a good time to tell Kathy that we might be having our own little kitefest here. :lol:

SEEK - South East Edmonton Kitefest?

Vince, get over here with a van full of demo gear!

macboy - 17-6-2012 at 09:07 PM

Got a call from BigBear tonight. We're set (with wife's consent ; ) for Saturday. Let's see if it's a Bladerunner thing or perhaps a B.C. thing...that talent of chasing away wind. :lol:

canuck - 17-6-2012 at 10:33 PM

Thanks for the tip macboy, I'll see if I can get up there Saturday. Kim spent the weekend in Ottawa with her family. Her father is losing a battle with prostate cancer.

Had a great weekend on the Coyotes - unexpected wind and sun down here. Quite a lightning show heading toward Medicine Hat tonight.

Bigbear97e - 20-6-2012 at 09:02 PM

Heading to Edmonton in the am .... looks like wind (and maybe some showers) in the forecast .... I will phone ya when I hit the city Macboy

macboy - 21-6-2012 at 12:27 AM

Saturday looks good on Windfinder at the mo'. E/SE...not the most ideal but hey - it's wind! Looks steady too so the only gusty bits we'll have to contend with are the localized swirls.

Bigbear97e - 29-6-2012 at 09:57 AM

back from a week long road trip ... met up with Kelly & Kathy, Derek, Phil, Paul ... wind wasn't perfect, but I met some folks, learned some things and had a good time ... great guys .... oh and when Macboy says he has the best with in the world... he does, she let us all invade the back yard for burgers and liquid when we were done .... great people .... thanks for meeting up with me.