Power Kite Forum

Trailskate All-Terrain Skates in the UK

jaysonhunte - 12-12-2003 at 10:22 AM

If you've heard about or seen the Trailskates made by Gateskate, you can get them in the UK at www.xxxxxxxxxx.co.uk


doomwheels - 15-12-2003 at 02:53 AM

Well jaysonhunte probably knows my opinion of Trailskates that he is so motivated to advertise at any opportunity...

Can't say that I care much for Trailskates. They're fine for weekend warriors, but horribly sad for anyone who wants speed, power or rough terrain.

They simply don't allow the skater to lean over far enough against the power of a big kite, and stuck in a mostly upright position leaves the skater to fight hard just to hold his line... forget about going upwind.

I feel Trailskates are too low, tires are too small, and the boot apparatus is too loose/flexible. In fact my most frightening experience ever was on these skates.

In their defense however, the price is right and they should work fine for those who just want to quickly strap on a pair and say "Look mom, I'm kiteskating".

For those who want real speed and the capability of holding on to huge kites...

PS: please try to resist the urge to spam this forum reducing it to a gateway of dribble such as the other forum you have plagued with promo. The PKF is a pure source of sporting information. Thanks.