With starting to ride bike to work this week, I thought it be cool to have a way to track my commutes. First thing I thought was to check the iphone.
Found an app called mapmyride+ for $3. It worked to track my speed, time, and mapped my entire route to track and share. There is a whole online
community and an entire store full of wireless accessories from heart monitors to bike mounts and speedos. Tracked my ride home today. 4.3miles in
23minutes, with a 23mph head wind most of the ride. Its gonna be a great summer seeing how I progress.:wee:bigkid - 9-5-2012 at 11:11 PM
I have a wrist thing that does all that also, dont use the heart monitor. Got it for use inthe bug, but use it for keeping track of my day. I have a
temdancy to forget where Im going or were Ive been. That way it helps the wife to see what Ive been up to. Haha
Yours would be funner to use.Cheddarhead - 10-5-2012 at 04:24 PM
My co-worker always uses the map-my-run app everytime he goes out jogging. Kinda interesting the drawings he makes when he's done.indigo_wolf - 10-5-2012 at 04:27 PM
Originally posted by Cheddarhead
My co-worker always uses the map-my-run app everytime he goes out jogging. Kinda interesting the drawings he makes when he's done.
Hats off to the first person that decides to use their tracks to send messages to their friends.
Sort of like land based skywriting. ;-)
Hope it doesn't say anything about me that that's the first thing I thought of.
SamBeamerBob - 10-5-2012 at 04:34 PM
How scary is it that I myself am picturing gps track writing. Fun for the outcome and good for your kite skills to pull off at the field.PHREERIDER - 10-5-2012 at 04:35 PM
23 mph head wind ....sounds like kite time to me.shaggs2riches - 10-5-2012 at 05:33 PM
I so want to kite. But right now there is zero places in town because of soccer and baseball season.:flaming: The lake is an hour away so not overly
up to driving there in the evening to chance not having wind. Weekend is coming.