Power Kite Forum

Help me pick a starter??

kateagle - 22-5-2012 at 03:33 PM

Hello all!!

I need help picking out my first kite!! I've flown my trick kite around a good bit, not sure the specs but its a delta trick kite type, and can fly it pretty excellently. I want to move on to power kites now and eventually move into boards. Being on a limited budget, I was hoping to find something that would be good to learn on and fly static until I am comfortable moving on to boarding and can afford it.

I've been looking (obsessing, really, into the wee hours of the morning) into different kites - depower vs. FB, 2 line vs. 4 line, handles vs. bars, sizes, etc. - and while I'm learning the basics I still feel rather overwhelmed.

The conditions I live in have low winds (5-15 mph, being on the lower side a majority of the time) BUT the beach is about 2 hours away and every now and then we get a nice blustery day. I'm about 170 pounds. I can't find a source to help me size a kite appropriate to these conditions, but then again being new to it all I'm not even sure the right search terms to use!!

All in all, I'm trying not to get too frustrated and/or stressed before I can get my hands on the real fun, but I'm very intent on researching something new before I spend time, money, and effort into becoming (further) obsessed. Help please! :)

WELDNGOD - 22-5-2012 at 03:53 PM

Buster Soulfly! 2.2 or maybe a 3.3

mougl - 22-5-2012 at 03:57 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
Buster Soulfly! 2.2 or maybe a 3.3

Buster Soulfly is a great kite. Also Peter Lynn Hornet, Viper S. Ozone Flow, HQ Beamer all great starter kites. Learn to fly a 4 line fixed bridal before you move into depower. This will help you learn control a LOT better in my humble opinion. Keep it around 3m to start and go from there as your skills progress. :)

WELDNGOD - 22-5-2012 at 04:00 PM

And when you get proper skills,the lil ones are just plain FUN to fly.

mougl - 22-5-2012 at 04:03 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
And when you get proper skills,the lil ones are just plain FUN to fly.

+1!!! You will never outgrow your trainer. When the wind picks up, your old trainer will have an ear to ear grin on your face. I still break mine out in high winds :)

WELDNGOD - 22-5-2012 at 04:10 PM

My new favorite is the 2.4m Combat in orange! I love to just static fly it. Very fast, but responsive ,very powerful at the same time.
My first kite was a 2.5 rage,and I still have it, in that bag of "other foils".

here is a link if ya want to check out a Buster. http://www.pkdkitesusa.com/products/Buster-Soulfly.html

Bladerunner - 22-5-2012 at 04:28 PM

Check out www.coastalwindsports.com for an excellent set of turorials that should really help .

If money is tight you want to shop second hand.

Now the bad news. We all have a number of kites for different conditions. You will have to accept this reality. NO single kite will do it all.

As folks on here have suggested , you want to get started on about a 3m foil. 4 line is best. Don't get too stressed about what 3m kite as long as it is a reputable make and model. Avoid impulse buying. Check on here before buying to confirm you are making a good purchases.

If you are planning on heading to water down the road you will want / need a depower kite . Before that you need to get a 3m and master flying it. Lessons are a huge advantage when hitting water.

WELDNGOD - 22-5-2012 at 04:43 PM

Originally posted by Bladerunner

Now the bad news. We all have a number of kites for different conditions. You will have to accept this reality. NO single kite will do it all.

COLD HARD FACT This should be a sticky!

dandre - 22-5-2012 at 05:39 PM

Originally posted by WELDNGOD
Originally posted by Bladerunner

Now the bad news. We all have a number of kites for different conditions. You will have to accept this reality. NO single kite will do it all.


Unless you have hooj balls.. ;-)

kateagle - 22-5-2012 at 06:15 PM

Cool, thanks for all the advice!! I will definitely check out those models and try and find one on here. I'm sure I'll end up getting a couple in the near future once I graduate in ONE YEAR (so excited to be done!!!! :p ) but in the mean time I just wanna get started and get hooked, especially being summertime since I couldn't take classes over the summer term. Just can't handle the boredom!

Thanks again! If/when I find out a few more questions as I continue my quest for knowledge, I will post them! THANKS!!

Bladerunner - 23-5-2012 at 06:32 AM

Originally posted by dandre
Originally posted by WELDNGOD
Originally posted by Bladerunner

Now the bad news. We all have a number of kites for different conditions. You will have to accept this reality. NO single kite will do it all.


Unless you have hooj balls.. ;-)

I get the joke here but am concerned that beginers desperate to convince themselves that they can do this with one kite may not ?

You need more than one kite to learn this game .

furbowski - 23-5-2012 at 08:31 AM

PKD soulfly... just as good as any of the other beginner kites, and by far the best looking.... You're gonna be looking at it a lot while flying so get it, eh?

Seriously, any of the 2-3m 4-lines recommended above will do the trick.

Sounds like you have done your research, good on you!

Dagon - 23-5-2012 at 08:59 AM


Dakitez is having a sale on the Viper S by Peter Lynn you can get a complete kite with lines and handles, kite stake, for just over $200 brand new. I think that is a pretty killer deal, the 2.6 size should be perfect to start.

kateagle - 24-5-2012 at 07:54 AM

Thanks everyone!

So out of the Viper S 2.6, Reactor 3.8, Ozone Quattro 2.5, and Soulfly 2.2 or 3.3 which would be best for me? Those are the ones that I have found and have the possibility of getting. Or something else entirely? I've got $200 and if I have to I can throw another $25 or $50, but I may be eating Raman noodles for a week ;) Thanks again!

AnnieO - 24-5-2012 at 09:17 AM

Given your budget, if you are looking to buy new you will never outgrow a Viper S. Start out with a 2.6 as they have more pull than a lot of 3.5's I know of. My Viper S is my favorite all around kite as I find it to be responsive, powerful, and very stable. I bought mine on sale from Dino (DAKITEZ) and could not be more pleased. The Viper S is an interesting kite in that it's newbie friendly yet still offers a higher level of performance for more advanced fliers...

AnnieO - 24-5-2012 at 09:23 AM

BTW, the Soulfly in 3.3 would also be very nice- really a bit of a toss-up. With the Soulfly you'll get a bigger kite for the $, although I'd still say the Viper S is a bit more performance oriented and higher quality construction for the long run.

You can't go wrong with either of these two. Hopefully someone else will also weigh-in with their opinion. Like I said it's a close call and personal choice, but me, I'd still give a slight edge to the Viper S. Good luck!

AnnieO - 24-5-2012 at 09:28 AM

AnnieO - 24-5-2012 at 09:29 AM

Duplicate post trying to delete, sorry.

AnnieO - 24-5-2012 at 09:33 AM

Ok, it figured out which button to use to edit now. Sorry guys, I swear I'm not trying to run up my post count count, or hijack this thread ;-)

thanson2001ok - 24-5-2012 at 09:45 AM

You can't go wrong with any of the kites you list. For me, I would pass on the 3.8m. The others, because they are smaller, let you get out in higher wind conditions and provide you with more flyable days. My 2 cents.

A good plan executed today is far better than a perfect plan executed next week. General George S. Patton

Get flying!:smilegrin:

kateagle - 24-5-2012 at 09:52 AM

Cool! Thanks! My funds posting to my account TODAY, so I'll be ordering in just a bit!! I'm so excited! Thanks everyone for the great help!! :D

dandre - 25-5-2012 at 02:10 PM

don't kill yourself!

mougl - 25-5-2012 at 02:20 PM

Which kite did you decide on?

kateagle - 27-5-2012 at 07:09 PM

Got the Viper S 2.6 from dakitez on Saturday. Taken it out twice today. The weather was gorgeous today with uncharacteristically higher winds (8-10 instead of 4-6) with only a few stronger gusts. It was FABULOUS!