Power Kite Forum

New kites ...... new questions .....

Kober - 30-5-2012 at 10:00 PM

3 kites ....
3 race kites ......
3 Gin kites ......
3 reasons to get excited ......

My Tonkawas arrive few days ago ..... All new crispy in sizes 5.4 6.8 8.7....

.... My buggy is damaged .... and now I have extra push to get it fix ..... lets hope I can find somewhere space to try my new babies.... 3.1 should arrive soon from Germany ....

Time to buy some lines and handles .....

Any advice from pro pilots that I need to consider when riding with race kites ????


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Kober - 30-5-2012 at 10:00 PM


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kiteboyza - 31-5-2012 at 05:38 PM

some big ass vents on these guys, watch out for kittens and small children, you will scoop them up!

Kober - 1-6-2012 at 08:23 AM

My 3.1 arrive at my door today ..... Looks like we got plenty of find thru whole day ..... mid 20s ... after work I will try fly it in near by field .....
For used kite condition is very good ..... all white fabric is stain free and still have some crisp in it ..... I was afraid to purchase from unknown source ..... but I am glad that I did .....

snowspider - 1-6-2012 at 09:13 AM

Kober bungy that buggy together and go fly!!!!!! Have you forgotten the video of the guy with wheels strapped to his arse and his feet , frames are slightly overrated.

buggydanny - 1-6-2012 at 11:17 AM


Congratulations on the new additions to your quiver.

Like all kites you should get to know their flight characteristics before you try buggying with them. Fly them static in clean wind; they are not going to like dirty wind and will only cause you frustration. Start in the lower wind ranges till you are use to them.

Race kites get their power through speed. When you turn them quickly or loop them the power comes on fast and strong. This can bite you if you are not expecting it. The power can drop off just as quickly, so don't try jumping with them. This behavior will be more noticeable on the smaller kites.

Fly safe and post often. Let us know how you make out with them.

Kober - 3-6-2012 at 09:23 PM

snowspider .. my buggy is at Jaymz house since WBB ..... time to get and pick it up ..... I am sure I can get it fix right ......better then original condition ... lol ...

Danny ... I am not FB jumping type ... I will static fly it first like every new kite I get .... ..... I am happy now that that deal with U-turns did not go thru and that Gin find those few kites laying somewhere in theirs warehouse .... I am sure I be enjoying time with those ..