Originally posted by shaggs2riches
if its really C-like then it would be 2006 or older for sure. But if its a 7m then it will either be a 2007,or 2008, or 2009. In those years they had
a 5m,7m,10m....sizing and 2009 also had an 8.5m in the middle there. Prior to that they had a 6m,8m.... interval. I have a 2009 that I got last
season. Really only have about 20ish minutes on it cause it was end of season and the day I flew it the wind dropped. From what I gathered in that
short time, it was easy to launch and relaunch. Really had a different feeling in the sky than foils that I'm used to. Maybe I'll get over this hump
and eventually make it to the lake to try it out for real beginner riding. |