flyinken - 22-6-2012 at 09:20 AM
I sold my 6m Session kite through Ebay.
This is the second item item I sold this way.
The person paid right away using paypal. The money has been sitting in the account as "pending' for a week now.
The kite was delivered on Tuesday but the funds are still pending.
Can the buyer change the status from pending?
apextech - 22-6-2012 at 09:33 AM
I think this is why I dont sell on Ebay anymore
indigo_wolf - 22-6-2012 at 10:04 AM
Paypal can place funds in pending status for up to 21 days.
From the Paypal FAQ:
Here are some common reasons we may hold payments in a pending balance:
You have limited history or selling activity.
You have low Detailed Seller Ratings, negative Feedback, or other indication of below-standard performance on eBay.
You have a high rate of customer refunds, disputes, claims, or chargebacks.
You're selling in a high risk category or industry such as tickets, travel, gift certificates, computers, consumer electronics, or mobile
Your business or selling activity is inconsistent. For example, you have a spike in selling activity, your average selling price changes, or you
started selling in a new category.
The account information you have provided is incomplete or inaccurate, or we're uncertain about the information you've provided.
Your withdrawal activity has changed.
More info here.
bigkid - 22-6-2012 at 10:39 AM
what Sam said^^^^^^^^
Also, you are not established as a good ebayer yet, need 20 or so before your ratings go up. also it is a great way for the crook to disappear with
your stuff and then say it was defective and get his money back.....paypal is not good for the seller, just the buyer.
been there, done that, got screwed, still there but a bit different now. been a long while not being screwed. Oh Man, shouldn't have said that, next
one will be the doer
give it a bit of time and then call paypal.
rocfighter - 22-6-2012 at 11:10 AM
Jeff mine went through right? I hope so the funds are out of my account!!
flyinken - 22-6-2012 at 11:23 AM
I emailed the buyer and they gave me a good rateing. But that was not enough to free up the funds.
Yea, had a coworker ship some expensive engine parts.
The funds sent to him from paypal were taken back because the card used for paying for the stuff was stolen.
And the shipping address was an empty warehouse. ( why UPS dropped off there?)
He did his own investigation and found about 5 others who were ripped off by the same person. By looking at what the person bought, he was rebuilding
an early model Camaro.
And paypal did nothing!
indigo_wolf - 22-6-2012 at 11:52 AM
FWIW: Paypal Customer Service is 1-888-221-1161
flyinken - 23-6-2012 at 11:18 AM
Yea, it is complete.
Sending money for a 4.5 Little Devil.
rocfighter - 23-6-2012 at 12:27 PM
This is good news. Glad you didn't get stiffed.