pyro22487 - 2-7-2012 at 05:16 PM
I'm looking at getting one for my mom. She has abasic knowledge of four stringer kites, but I am not sure where to begin for buying one. Like
terminology 3 wrap 4 wrap. Vented. Ahhh its like starting powerkiting all over again. It took me almost 2years to figure out what depower meant, and
I owned one. Any and all help needed. Thanks guys.
pyro22487 - 2-7-2012 at 05:18 PM
Oh I forgot local winds are around 10 to 20 mph most days but if hey make one that goes from 0 to 20 with something like a spare change that would be
Kamikuza - 2-7-2012 at 05:28 PM
I think ... more wraps = stronger but more weight. Vents allow you to fly in higher wind and make the kite lighter. But I could be wrong.
Reckon you want a 1.5 SLE for learning on ...
Cerebite - 2-7-2012 at 07:01 PM
It has been a while since I priced them out but I am pretty certain that the John Barassi [sp?] editions all come with two sets of spars -2 wrap &
3 wrap. Most of the usual dealer suspects carry them in multiple color/ colour combinations.
Between 2 wrap, 3 wrap and "5" wrap [the spar pockets are big enough to fit two leading edges] they can take a fair wind range. And yes the wrap
count refers to the number of wraps [think of traditional carbon fiber construction ie laying up] in the spar.
I would probably go with non -vented or single vent in those winds.
pyro22487 - 2-7-2012 at 07:30 PM
ok more vents higher winds. Price really isn't an issue so I was curious. Thanks guys.
Magician - 3-7-2012 at 03:27 PM
Talk to Kent at A Wind of Change.
I bought all my Revs from him.
RonH - 3-7-2012 at 05:43 PM
Around uere thr guys and gals would be flying full vents or super vents with 10 - 20... no pull, just smooth team flying.
flyinken - 3-7-2012 at 08:37 PM
I would go with 1.5 SLE for the gusting winds for beginners.
The B series is more expensive then what a beginners needs.
The SLEs thicker leading edge spar ( 1/2 inch dia tube ? ) is very hard to break, and being a bit heavier it make the kite fly slower. ( easier to
When ready to upgrade, you can buy lighter 1/4 inch spars for the 1.5
But for the most info, check with the rev forum.
Also on the rev forum look for local flyers that are happy to help out.