Power Kite Forum

Review of a newer to me but old kite!!

rocfighter - 5-7-2012 at 04:37 AM

Yesterday the winds were a bit fickle so I was flying my Skydog 5.5 but not much pull in 5mph!! So in desperation I got out my OLD PL geurrilla 13&18. Went with the 13 because it seemed as the wind my come back up! (dreaming I think) It inflated nice with help from my leaf blower! and It took off filled up and flew awesome. I had only flown it once before when I first got it. But yesterday I was just flying for fun so I tried it again. WOW it is a fun kite to fly as long as there is some wind. And what a crowd pleaser. My friend Jason was there with his trusty Flysurf 15 kite boarding as well. So soon a large crowd gathered. It was fun while it lasted! The wind quickly went away and I packed it back up. Next time I'll make sure there is a little more wind before I take it out.

carltb - 5-7-2012 at 02:12 PM

the 18m is a total float machine!!!

rocfighter - 5-7-2012 at 04:38 PM

I think with that one I may be able to actually ride my land board!!