joedy - 15-7-2012 at 06:11 PM
Well, between my Flysurfer Pulse 10m and my Flysurfer Speed3 19m deluxe, I've noticed on my last kiting holiday that I really need something to span
the gap between these two kites.
At around 180 pounds, I needed about 15 knots to get riding on the 10m while 15 knots was making me uncomfortably overpowered on the Speed3 19m.
I'm concerned that the Matrixx 12m is too close to the Pulse 10m and the Matrixx 15 meter is too close to the windrange of the 19m.
Does anyone have any input into this decision and what would you advise?
martinipro - 15-7-2012 at 06:28 PM
Not sure how experiEnced you are but i hear people hold the 19 up to almost 25mph.
I was hoping i could hold it to 2O.
Maybe replace that 10 pulse with a 12 pulse2/psycho4/speed3?
That's what Im leaning towards.
PHREERIDER - 15-7-2012 at 06:49 PM
19m in 25 , these pilots are well into the 200 # CLUB
12m tube would cover alot
kitedelight - 15-7-2012 at 08:58 PM
sounds pretty average, I've heard that 15-17 knots is normal top end for average weight with the 19.
I'm thinking a 12 would probably be the way to go unless you get loads of days in the 10-18 knot range.
AD72 - 15-7-2012 at 09:43 PM
12 or 13m tube. My 12M Rise has had the most use in my quiver.
ikemiester - 15-7-2012 at 09:47 PM
an arc?:bouncy::eureka:
Kamikuza - 16-7-2012 at 02:39 AM
For your weight, you could probably get away with a Speed3 12 ... or a 14m Tube eg. Slingshot RPM, Xbow 13.
joedy - 16-7-2012 at 05:11 AM
Yeah, I keep mulling over getting a tube kite again (especially after visiting the LEI-Friendly Kitty Hawk Kites Waves Resort in Rodanthe on Hatteras
Island, NC.)
A 12-13 tube kite would seem to fill this void rather well, but that means... pumps, leaky bladders, more travel space and having to choice between
some pretty atrocious sail color schemes. (Is the North designer color blind or something? Or does he buy up all of the remnant sail material scraps
and use these to reduce manufacturing costs?)
@ MartiniPro: Yeah, I can hold the 19m over 15 knots, but I can't DO much of anything else. I was squatting on the board trying to get an edge while
fully depowered and still wasn't making any progress (except downwind.) Anything less than this and the kite REALLY shines and makes you appreciate
all of the money that you spent on it.
I'd be curious to see of the riders who have both 12 and 15 foils, which one seems to be used the most?
PHREERIDER - 16-7-2012 at 06:01 AM
i rode 16m venom and 13m venom for almost 2 years at around 200 pounds. 13m quite abit more. these kite really like the slick bottom boards, the
faster the better, most foils do. unless your <180 # virtually any board will work.
my 13m TUBE def has better low wind power on the water . it will get me going a knot or 2 before an arc. the 15m charger and 13m tube fairly close
in performance.
as FS comparison my 14m pulse2 is almost identical to wind range of 13m tube its just slower turning esp. in light air.
12knts-->13m tube /FS14m
13knts-->15m charger/13m venom(flat and slack water)
14knts--> 13m venom
@200# slick bottom board, with current and surf break(140x43)
staying up wind with some fun jumps
Tibi - 16-7-2012 at 08:56 AM
I have a Pulse2 14m filling between a Pulse2 10m and a Speed 2.5 19m. Now I got also a Speed3 15m Deluxe, and eventually I'll have to get rid of the
14m Pulse2. Let me know if you're interested
joedy - 16-7-2012 at 11:56 AM
Sending you a U2U.