bigkid - 26-7-2012 at 11:20 AM
Got to the forum today and low and behold, SPAM. Only a handful of posts and the rest of it was SPAM.
Not the most fun most of the time, but spending my day returning spam to spam is taking up to much time.
I have 2 forum groups(blokarts) that is set up and run about the same as PKF. To join the group they have to send a request. At that time they receive
a generic response to respond to and send it back. 99 out of 100 it only goes as far as returning the first request. After a simple study of the reply
and a minute of searching, I say yes or no to the request, or send another generic email for more info, and they have never replied back. Spammers
won't go that far.
just my opinion.
awindofchange - 26-7-2012 at 11:29 AM
The issue is that the PKF software is quite old, and doesn't have the ability to do what the newer forum software can do to help filter out spammers.
bigkid - 26-7-2012 at 02:24 PM
sunset-Jim - 26-7-2012 at 04:54 PM
They may sneak in every now and then, but my hat is off to the administrators for giving them the boot.
Nomadic - 26-7-2012 at 08:01 PM
why not make the switch to an upgraded forum? This software does seem a bit antiquated, as far as forums go..
soliver - 26-7-2012 at 08:45 PM
yeah, I was shocked this morning at the way that guy infiltrated EVERY forum topic here,... I am not a computer loving person by any means, but even I
was miffed by that guy.
I really prefer my SPAM to be fried,... like bacon