Power Kite Forum

Kite Skates

doomwheels - 16-2-2003 at 07:25 AM

Copied from old forum:

July 2 2001 by Adam 

I got on your web site "wheels of doom" and found it
very helpful and exciting. I am a land sailer and I
am trying to build skates for myself for a hand held
skate wing.
My main question is can you turn the 12" wheel skates
in a short radius easily? How maneuverable are they
verses the one with smaller wheels? My skating
surface is either going to be ash-fault or packed
I will not be using it for traction kites.
Please advise me.


doomwheels - 16-2-2003 at 07:26 AM

Copied from old forum:

July 3 2001 by doomwheels

> My main question is can you turn the 12" wheel skates
> in a short radius easily?

Hi Adam
it is the 2 foot wheel base of my skates that compromises the turning radius. even using smaller wheels does not reduce the wheel base by much. however, i can turn quite easily by using a "stepping of the front wheels" action. this will cause a 180 degree turn in a radius of about 10 feet diameter. remember, my skates are for high speed and long distance more than trick turns.

>How maneuverable are they verses the one with smaller wheels?

The problem with small wheels are traction, safety, and comfort. they do not grip the dirt surface as well, they easily trip over dents in the surface, and they are usually high pressure causing you to feel every little vibration.

>My skating surface is either going to be ash-fault or packed dirt.

i have skated with a wing in the past, and for this application, i would use a skate with smaller wheel base (and yes... smaller wheels). the reason is the slower speed and reduced power load (as compared to a kite). rollerblade company makes a skate called coyote.
this would probably be the perfect skate for off road conditions with a hand held wing. as for asphalt surfaces... i would stick to regular rollerblades.

good luck and have fun,