Snake - 22-8-2012 at 06:15 PM
I found a 2006 north vegas 8m on I kitesurf for $75. Is this a good deal? It is kite and bag only so I would need a bar and pump (anyone on hear have
one to sell cheap?).I have flown a 4m nasa wing and skateboarded with it a few times so I know how to fly a kite.
van - 22-8-2012 at 08:59 PM
Are you planning to use it on water?? It's an older kite and is more of a C kite than a bow kite. I haven't flown one but base on it's leading
edge, looks like it would sux at relaunch. The newer Vegas has a more bow like design. Jumping from a nasa wing to an LEI is a huge jump. I
wouldn't recommend this kite for you.
edit: If you keep your budget around $350 or higher , you will get a much safer kite. If it's cheap, it's most likely an older kite that has poor
safety system.
AD72 - 22-8-2012 at 09:19 PM
Feyd - 23-8-2012 at 04:49 AM
I'm with Van and AD on this one. 2006 was IMO a tipping point for a lot of kites in regards to safety and perfomance. Safeties and depow range have
improved considerably since then and unless you are an advance rider I wouldn't suggest older kites as starter kites. $75 is short money for a wing
but it's not as simple as just buying a wing and throwing it up in the air, you have to have the right bar set up etc.
NASA wing/ skateboard action may not give you the expirience needed to jump into a fast moving, hard relauching, sub-par depow LEI from '06. If you
whip that kite into the pavement it will likely evaporate.
Save your $$ and move into an open cell foil. Van's right, $350 can get you a pretty broad range of wings.
manitoulinkiter1 - 23-8-2012 at 10:02 AM
Hey man
I have 09 vegases 12 and 9. I wouldn't recommend them to a beginner. They have fairly small wind ranges compared to other inflatables and are very
fast through the wind window. If you fall and just touch the bar the kite is shooting the other way.
They will only make learning harder for you.
Just my 2 cents though
Bladerunner - 23-8-2012 at 03:21 PM
You are SURE TO pop a bladder / rip this kite when learning. It is $75 that will cost you hundreds to actaully use .
LEINFATABLE kites work well on land as long as you aren't crashing a lot. Not so much for learning. As mentioned you need a harness with this kite.
If you are tight on cash start out with a quality used foil FB kite about 3m on handles. Master it and then sell it to fund the next kite ...
Foils can be repaired cheap if you damage it. They are much, much harder to damage in the 1st place.
An 8m C kite is a punchy high wind kite. You will regret this purchase!
Sorry, I seem all bad news today but I really want what is best for you ! I have waisted a lot of money on kites and only hope to help you avoid doing
the same!