Power Kite Forum

Blade V 6.5

ChrisG13 - 25-8-2012 at 05:47 PM

Hey everyone, just thought I should let people know of my experience with this kite as I don't see much about this specific model on forums/videos etc.

Firstly, I REALLY wish I bought this kite before looking at the Matrixx.. I ended up losing a substantial amount on a kite which wasn't what I needed at all lol.. My thoughts were the bigger the kite the better. If you are a newbie and are moving on to your second kite or so and want to jump (not that I consider myself a veteran in any way), please look at FB kites in the 4-6m range for land jumping and choose the size according to your weight.

Now on to the Blade V 6.5.. wow this kite is easy to use and quite the scary one, I respect it's power immensley. This kite has the most pull of any kite that I have ever flown and yes that is including the 15m matrixx. The first time I unpacked it and flew it was 3 days ago, the winds were about a constant 10mph gusting to 15mph, I was so intmidated by this kite I pretty much bailed on it every time it was close to apex and I think I had the courage to turn it 3 times that day? The day wasn't wasted because me and my friend already perfected the packing/unpacking of the kite and we could tell this kite was the kite for us. Yesterday was the second day.. the winds were pretty bad 0-5mph and it was pretty much 0-2mph most of the time. I had gotten the hang of the kite and was eager for jumps so I was pretty much power stroking alot to maintain the kite in the air and build up power for jumps if possible, I did jumps better than jumps with my rush in 20mph+ winds.

The kite itself is built very strong and is of amazing quality.
The bag looks pretty sweet and is comfortable. I am using Flexifoil pro-link handles and the Flexifoil 250kg/200kg line set which I bought separately and attached and they are also of great quality and work great. This kite has amazing lift
and is also very floaty, it's the exact kite I was looking for!

In conclusion if you are after a kite for jumping, I'd recommend any of the Flexifoil Blade V sizes. Please don't take them lightly though because they are like trucks! I pretty much wish I could buy a whole quiver of them for those really windy days but I'm not in the mood for annoying lectures from my parents so I think I'll hold off for a while :)


Bladerunner - 26-8-2012 at 08:03 AM

I think you have the wrong impression of the Matrix ? It doesn't sound like you have used it for what it is designed for. Get into motion with that kite and you will find out what it is supposed to do. It will boost and float you better than the 6.5 in those conditions. If you plan on getting in motion I suggest you have a fantastic low wind kite . If you do , I say keep it! I hope you at least were flying it hooked in ???

You don't give a lot of insight into what you are using the kite for accept jumping. I will assume that is static jumping. For that , the 6.5 Blade is a fantastic choice ! As you dicsovered. If you plan on sticking with static flying I say keep this one.

If you don't plan on getting in motion then selling the Matrix for another Blade ( or a harness / safety gear ) makes sense? Might get that by the Folks?

Your point about thinking bigger is better is a common beginer mistake. Thanks for pointing out that it isn't always the way to go!

Have fun! :wee:

ChrisG13 - 26-8-2012 at 11:53 PM

Bladerunner: Thanks for commenting! Sorry I'm not very familiar with the lingo, yeah I'm pretty much just using it for static jumping until I eventually decide to buy a land board one day. Didn't mean to put down the matrixx in any way, I'm sure it wins hands down when it comes to anything else such as Snow kiting/Kite surfing etc - and yeah I was hooked in when flying it, maybe I didn't mean that the matrixx is less powerful, I think I meant the blade has more pop which makes it feel more dangerous which I love. I already sold it btw and used the money to buy the blade, kept the harness because I want to try kite surfing some day for sure.

Bladerunner - 27-8-2012 at 06:24 AM


They Blade is definately going to satisfy you until you get into motion.

Many people get stuck static flying / jumping. It is fun but believe me, riding is a whole new level of fun !


fredkarl - 29-8-2012 at 11:38 PM

Riding it would give you ultimate fun and great experience!!