Power Kite Forum

Another FREEBIE, has come to an end.

bigkid - 31-8-2012 at 04:13 AM

I will be posting in a day or 2 an offer from a company I am doing business with. I will be offering a set for free to the 1st 5 people who respond.
Here is the catch, HaHaHa, didn't think it was completely free did you?
You will have to post your findings about the free set, here on PKF.
I can only imagine that it will go very fast once it is posted. As soon as I get the numbers together, It will be posted. Keep your eyes peeled and your fingers ready for the response. It will happen with in the next 2 days.

B-Roc - 31-8-2012 at 05:45 AM

DP or FB set?

bigkid - 31-8-2012 at 06:28 AM

I wish, i still dont have a quiver of my own. But that would be a nice set.:bigok:

shehatesmyhobbies - 31-8-2012 at 06:48 AM

With the bash coming up, I may get in on this one. Who knows maybe get ten people to post up about it........maybe more.

WELDNGOD - 31-8-2012 at 01:07 PM

What are you up to now Jeff? :cool:

macboy - 31-8-2012 at 01:10 PM

A set you say? Are they HOOJ? :lol:

WELDNGOD - 1-9-2012 at 06:42 AM

knowing Jeff..... a set.... doesn't have to mean kites ,guys..... I'm thinking a little broader here.... Lots of things come in sets... Hmmmmmm..........

Bladerunner - 1-9-2012 at 07:40 AM

i'll take a set

bigkid - 1-9-2012 at 07:58 AM

OK, time to update the "set" info.
What WELDNGOD said is correct, besides 5 sets of kites? I wish.

Kite-Refit has generously offered to give away 5 sets of their product. A set includes, 1 spray can of cleaner, and 2 spray cans of the sealer. I will pay shipping and you get to try the product for free. If you are one of the 5 to try it, we ask that you post your findings here on PKF.

Now the hard part. Been thinking how to give 5 sets away for free and make it fair for everyone. I remember in the olden days, a radio station would have some type of thing going on and the 3rd caller would win the game.
My thought is at a certain time, to have the second post as the winner. The times to respond would be spread out for all to have a shot at winning.
As soon as the wi-fi gets up and running here at SOBB, I will post the times.

Any thoughts?

B-Roc - 1-9-2012 at 03:44 PM

I've got some older JOJOs that would love a recoating.

Might want to add some rules too about the age of kites to be treated. Treating a new kite that is less than 3 years old is probably not going to produce any kind of result worth reporting (unless its a water kite). Treating 5+ year old foils that are no longer crisp and air tight is what you really want to aim for if there are going to be any kind of appreciable results to report.

indigo_wolf - 1-9-2012 at 07:50 PM

Have to agree with Brian.

I think both you, as a retailer, and Kite-Refit, as a manufacturer, will get more bang for your buck if you were to do this as an essay contest rather than as a raffle, first x requests, or "caller number 5."

You would probably get better findings if requestors were able to tell you something about the age of the kites, type of kites, approximate air time, and subjective descriptions of the feel of the canopy before and after application.

As depowers are inherently less efficient than fixed bridles, it would be nice to see a mix of FB and DP applications to get a feel for how much "life" could be restored to both flavors of kites.

Luckily (or maybe not :puzzled: ) even my Bullets are still pretty crispy, so I can disqualify myself from this particular event. :sniff:


bigkid - 1-9-2012 at 09:44 PM

the 5 winners of an essay contest work for everyone? Tell me why you want the stuff and the best ones get picked?

beachrights - 2-9-2012 at 06:23 AM

My Poor Kite - 2005 2.5 Flexifoil Bullet

I still remember the day she came, the doorbell rang and I ran to the window to see that beautiful UPS truck in front of my house! I grabbed the box and tore it open and there she was! A nice crispy Bullet! Oh, the sound it made as I took it out of the box....like Parchment Paper getting ready for a batch of Grandma's Christmas Cookies! Crinkle, crinkle, crinkle.

She flew high and pround, like a trophy in the sky! Then she was neatly folded using the original fold marks straight from the Factory. Crinkle, crinkle, ckinkle.

For 7 years she has been dragged, crashed and been filled with the sands of Cape Cod Beaches. Each session slowly eats away at her shiny glimmering appearance. Her fold marks are a distant memory replaced by a dull, fading canopy like a once proud model now passed by in favor of those younger sexier Depower models. OH! The shame!

I can no longer remember what that crinkle sound was like.....her texture is now as limp as a wet noodle.....no more crinkle, crinkle, crinkle.

But wait! There is a possible 2nd life for her? We have heard of a Dr. Bigkid from Walla-Walla Washington who has the solution?! Could it be true? Could her once proud appearance and her crinkle be restored? It is like Botox for kites! Her Chambers will be bigger and fly higher! Her Rear Panel will be lifted! She will strut right past those Depowers and they will pull their bars in to show their jealousy.

Crinkle, crinkle, crinkle.

martinipro - 2-9-2012 at 06:37 AM

I have a 10m Venom-I that could really use a Kite-Refit!
Kite flies great has maybe 1-2 patches and Auto-Zeniths great.

The material has seen better days and is no longer "crispy" and I am reluctant to use it in the water as I am unsure If it will relaunch after a dunk!
If I was to get the Kite-Refit it will definitely become my high wind kite in the water.
If this is what it takes, i will purposely crash it in the water and will do a comparison about how repellent it really was before and after being treated.

Did I hear 1 can of cleaner and 2 cans of sealer? Well that is the perfect amount needed to cover my 20sqm of ripstop! None will go to waste!

Bladerunner - 2-9-2012 at 08:41 AM

Sounds good,
I am still in.
I have a 9m Blade II that is an awsome kite accept it has become so worn. PERFECT canditate for this test! The kite has seen everything from ocean to lakes ( Gary point ) , dry lakes and deserts. It is still in great shape , no rips or tear but screams to be recoated.

I suppose with a 9m blade 2 my number is 92?

snowspider - 2-9-2012 at 07:14 PM

My old Pansh is about as soft and absorbent as a beach towel and has been known to fly like one too. It leaves a path of clear dry air in its wake. Any amount of crispy protection restored back into it would have to improve its flight characteristics as well as be a boost to that oh so important feeling ... PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP!
I'll give it a go.

bigkid - 3-9-2012 at 08:02 AM

Looks like this is the way it is going to work. Send your wants and desires to see who is going to be picked.
Some of these are rather good.
Just to help out, on the beach, in my face essay will not work. But it was a nice try Ken.:lol:

Bladerunner - 3-9-2012 at 08:40 AM

I am terrible at essays so gave a oral application / demonstration on the beach yesterday !
Lucky I brought that old beast along with me!
Nothing like seeing the before and after 1st hand ? Right ??
Of course I will take pictures of the process.

bigkid - 4-9-2012 at 06:16 AM

OK guys, anyone else interested? :puzzled:
The stuff should be here tomorrow and ready to send out. :cool:

And yes, Ken, your poor old Blade is in need of some help.

pyro22487 - 4-9-2012 at 06:33 AM


snowspider - 4-9-2012 at 07:35 AM

BK do you want said essay e-mailed to you or can we post it up here (or both)

abkayak - 4-9-2012 at 11:15 AM

Ohh G-d I hate asking for something from someone I don’t even know…. But I must speak up for my new/old girl……. my Pulse(1) not the current breed….this is what I have chosen to take me to the water and learn to jump atb with. It’s all I can ask for in a kite, to me it’s a 65 Mustang w/ a 289…. Not the top performer, but if you cant enjoy this there is something wrong with you. The new stuff is awesome, but there is something about keeping the old as new that I always got a kick out of. I have had it up 5 times so far, it is getting all the respect a newbie should give any foil. It feels like a favorite old tee shirt to me, which is not necessarily a good description for any kite. The one trip in the water with her, she came out 50# heavier than she went in. I’m pretty sure the manufacturers had her in mind when they came out with their Kite-Refit product. I’m sure there are many deserving candidates out there…….just had to speak up for my girl out of principle.

bigkid - 4-9-2012 at 11:23 AM

Originally posted by snowspider
BK do you want said essay e-mailed to you or can we post it up here (or both)

I have a couple that were emailed and 1 that was u2ued and 1 that was delivered out on the beach(thanks Ken), and there is always here.
Your choice, They all count.

snowspider - 4-9-2012 at 12:03 PM

I'll add mine here tonight.

snowspider - 4-9-2012 at 04:04 PM

I own a 10meter Pansh Blaze ,year: unknown, condition: faded and floppy, color: dusty blue with yellow flames outlined in orange, lines: dirty and fuzzy, handles: wrapped in black plastic electrical tape and leader guides rusty.
I aquired this kite at Kitestorm in 2010 on Sunday the final day of the event. While yaking it up with fellow PKF'rs in the parking lot a young guy comes up to us and asked if anyone had a harness he could borrow. Everyone was planning to use their's but I had a brand spanking new Ozone one that did not sell in the previous days "used and abused" sale. I told him $150 dollars and his response to me was "well I don't have any money". Being the guy I am I said "have you got something you could trade." In the back of his van, so compressed by his other kites it looks like it was vacuum sealed, he pulls out the Pansh. He described the kite as "It's slow, its a park and ride, good condition just old." I don't feel any handles so I ask "any handles for it?" Kind of dejected he says "yea I guess you can have those too." As he pulls out the above describe handles this feeling comes over me like I used to get when buying and selling old farm tractors "god those things are ugly...I should be able to do something with them." We made the swap , half hour later we were two more happy kiters on the lake trying out our "new" stuff.
I fly the kite fairly frequently when conditions approve. I like the brutal power of the kite and get a kick out of the brutal input it takes to get it to do what I want. Its a bit like driving a large old truck made long before power steering and power brakes. Flying it is a "taming the beast" interaction.
The kite is truly as I've described. I have to launch it quickly after laying it out because it will absorb enough moisture from the ground to alter its launch. I have reported on PKF several times my experiences with the kite that could be referenced when giving a review and I have no doubt I will be able to recognize any improvements that result from applying Kite-Refit.
I hope the Kite-Refit works well, as much for improving the qualities of the kite as well as for the boost it will give to how I feel about my kite. For me, feeling good about what I fly is an important feature in this mad fun sport of POWER KITING.
Thanks BK for the opportunity to gush about the sport and the kites we all know and love so well!

g00fba11 - 4-9-2012 at 08:28 PM

Out of all the arcs in my quiver my Apes (PL G2's) saw this post and begged me to drop you a line in hopes they would be chosen for a Kite-Refit rejuvenation spa treatment so they can regain the luster and crispiness they once had in their youth....... they even think they may have a shot to make the new ones that have never been opened jealous.......:bigok:

bigkid - 4-9-2012 at 09:00 PM

Good stuff.
This will all come to an end at 11:59pm, Wednesday the 5th of 2012 , so don't dilly dally.:sniff:

Bladerunner - 5-9-2012 at 05:54 PM

Originally posted by bigkid

And yes, Ken, your poor old Blade is in need of some help.

Glad the point actually got accross! Our different med's seemed to have us running on 2 different plains for almost the whole essay !
Next time I'm doing my presentation later in the day! :P

KAZEDOKA - 5-9-2012 at 06:33 PM

All the centemental kite story's allmost brought a tear to my eye. I'm happy to say my quiver ? is pretty crispy BUT i have a

30 year Pup Tent that has seen better days. I'm thinking this miracle product should restore some water proof quality's ?

Good Topic Jeff Thanks for keepin it FUN

bigkid - 6-9-2012 at 12:48 AM

As the clock ticks away and the mice come out to play, I read and write and think of my plight. To pick the best with all at stake, I wonder if I will stay awake. Thinking and thinking long into the night, with only 5 choices will the last one be right?:yawn:

I cant believe I said that crap. With the help of Mrs. Big Kid, we have the winners. At least 4 of them. The remaining 2 contestants will have to make a choice before the 5th one is chosen.

As for the 4 winners, here they are alphabetically.
As soon as you all send me your info, I will send you your free set of Kite-refix.(as soon as customs lets go of the stuff).:flaming:

And we will all be sitting on pins and needles waiting for your reviews.

Thank you everyone for your response and your interest.

beachrights - 6-9-2012 at 03:10 AM

Well alright! Now the pressure is on for me to produce a decent review! I will uphold my end of the deal and report back as soon as my Bullet gets its "Botox" treatment.

B-Roc - 6-9-2012 at 04:15 AM

Awesome, thanks!!

snowspider - 6-9-2012 at 05:16 AM


bobalooie57 - 6-9-2012 at 05:37 AM

BIG :thumbup: to Jeff and Kite Re-Fit for this promo! I remember snowspider flying that 10M Blaze at the Tug Hill snowkite festival. It was about 5 deg.F out with about 6 mph of wind. Pat was on one of his spider sleds, working that Pansh for all it was worth, but it was pulling him! I think it was also sucking all the available moisture out of the cold air, causing a mini-blizzard right under his kite...well, maybe I exaggerate a little... :wink2:

Bladerunner - 6-9-2012 at 06:24 AM

My Blade and everybody who gets to borrow it thank you in advance.:cool:

Info sent by U2U

bigkid - 6-9-2012 at 09:00 AM

martinipro is the 5th and final winner.
Congratulations guys.

bigkid - 12-9-2012 at 05:34 PM

Good news...
Customs has been so gracious as to let the stuff go.
The Kite-refit sets will begin their final journey in the morning. Hooray.

martinipro - 16-9-2012 at 07:02 AM

Just wanted to thank Jeff again for the opportunity. Package arrived yesterday.
Will be doing a before/after tests and comparison the next couple of weeks.

beachrights - 16-9-2012 at 03:38 PM

Just gave my Bullet the Shampoo treatment. It's sitting under the Dryer reading a Cosmo magazine and should be ready for it's "Botox" tomorrow night after work! I am hoping to treat it and go flying tomorrow so stay tuned....:eureka: