elfasa - 1-9-2012 at 02:58 PM
Hi guys,
What are your thoughts on the flexifoil g2a board ?
I'm after a new board, on a small budget as always, to replace my crappy one. I'm still a begginer at land boarding, and would like a stable board for
cruising and learning the more basic stuff.
I would have prefered a larger one, with Channel trucks, but they rarely come up in budget, and I can get a decent g2a in budget. It's not ideal, but
surely an improvement on my current one, so worth getting it ?
i'm not a light chap, will the board be okay for 200ish pound me ?
Once again general comments, experiences, all that mjnd of stuff on the g2a, or an alternative for me are appreciated !!
indigo_wolf - 1-9-2012 at 03:40 PM
Which deck in particular.
G2A refers to Flexifoils 2nd Generation Boards (circa 2004) and include the Flex Deck, Air Deck and Kava.
elfasa - 1-9-2012 at 03:42 PM
I'm as sure as I can be that it's the air deck.
indigo_wolf - 1-9-2012 at 07:58 PM
The Airdeck is 10 plies of maple and 2 plies of fiberglass, so it should be fine for you, especially if you are just cruising.
Is it a local purchase? Not sure how tall you are, but it would be nice, if you could at least stand on the board to make sure the board stance
wasn't too narrow for you and the curvature of the board didn't put your feet too close to the toeside wheels.
If need be, you could always redrill the board later for channel trucks.
Kamikuza - 1-9-2012 at 10:18 PM
I got a Kava... it weighs a ton, but it's like 13-ply and indestructible. Good for cruising but I bet it's crab for air-style. I'm much heavier than
you, btw and I have no fear about breaking it :D