Power Kite Forum

Jekyll Island Camp and Kite... IT'S ON!

soliver - 9-9-2012 at 08:57 PM

We are planning a camping trip for an extended first weekend of October on Jekyll Island for the sole purpose of tearing up the beach with Kites, buggies, and ATB's... WHOOT!

Saturday Oct. 6 through Tuesday Oct. 9 forum member knkmanthey (Kevin) and I will be camping out in the JI campground, and hitting kite beach during low tides for kiting and riding. We'll be headed down from metro Atlanta and get on the island late Saturday, so we'll be on the beach as much as possible Sunday and Monday (and maybe a little Tuesday).

Tide charts dictate that the low tides will mostly be in the mid to late afternoon.

So come join in if you can!!!

And FYI so you can witness the coolness,... our official kitemobile for this adventure will be my father-in-law's 1978 Ford Ranger Lariat with the 10' high camper shell on the back for loads of gear and likely unnecessary camping equipment :lol:

12 mpg!!! how's that for fuel efficiency?!?!

PS. Sorry Tridude for hijacking your Jekyll Island attention :smilegrin:

EDIT*** Check the bottom regarding the tides

acampbell - 10-9-2012 at 07:27 AM

Awesome. Can't wait to see y'all. I'll put a out an APB for the locals...

pokitetrash - 10-9-2012 at 11:50 AM

Its on my calender. Just have to see if its in my wallet!

tridude - 10-9-2012 at 08:19 PM

no game in Conway that weekend so I'll try for a Saturday trip...............gotta have my football (college)..............If I can make it an ov
er nighter I'll stay on the island and I do get a military discount if someone would like to share a room. Don't snore but have been known to break occasional non kiting wind............

soliver - 10-9-2012 at 09:48 PM


We probably won't be getting onto the island until late Saturday, (morning obligations...) but we won't be leaving the island 'til Tuesday so there's all day Sunday and Monday,... and we'll be camping on the north end of the Island in tents,... hence the title "Camp and Kite" :smilegrin:

Here: http://www.jekyllisland.com/wheretostay/campground.aspx

tridude - 10-9-2012 at 09:55 PM

It's my last chemo week so If I'm feeling well enuff I'll camp........and will plan on leaving Sunday afternoon..........

soliver - 11-9-2012 at 09:17 AM

Hey Don,

You don't have to camp just cuz we are, I was just letting you know that is where we will be,... It'd be great just to see you on the beach there. No prob to stay in a hotel,... don't push yourself if there's no need.


newick - 12-9-2012 at 06:18 PM

I would love to show up and start my learning but college comes first!

pbc - 12-9-2012 at 06:39 PM

Originally posted by newick
I would love to show up and start my learning but college comes first!

All the data says the additional education will endow you with greater earning power with which you can buy more kite gear.

soliver - 13-9-2012 at 02:06 PM

Originally posted by newick
I would love to show up and start my learning but college comes first!

I completely understand,... and that is the beauty of being an online student... currently working on my Master's degree :smilegrin: and fortunately won't miss out on all the fun!!!

pbc,... think you can come?

pbc - 13-9-2012 at 06:00 PM

I'm not going to be able to make it. I'm doing an event in Gainesville that Saturday. Sorry. I'd love to join you.


soliver - 13-9-2012 at 06:21 PM

No worries Phillip, and thanks for the U2U regarding the tides.

So I made a mistake on the Tides guys. Originally I had planned this trip down to JI the weekend before based on the fact that my wife and kids are taking a trip with my in-laws. When I checked the tide chart for that weekend it looked good,... but then I realized I had the dates wrong and changed the trip dates forgetting to check the tide charts... poop.

I can't change the trip dates but surely we can ride the beach in the morning as the tide is coming in.

I'm sorry :(

thoughts anyone?


soliver - 24-9-2012 at 05:42 PM

So the date is less than 2 weeks out and here's the situation...

As you may have read above, I made a mistake about the tides and cannot change the dates so Kevin and I will still be headed down intending to ride the beach in the morning and possibly in the evening. Hopefully the sun won't be setting until 7:30 or 8pm still. :thumbup:

It looks like the low tide Saturday is 8:30am, but high tide isn't until around 2:30pm, and the same with Monday only an hour later,.... that seems to me like it will provide some ride time.

tide chart linky: http://www.toptides.com/GA/2012/october/Jekyll_Island_Marina...

I hope anyone who was interested will still be willing to come along in spite of less than favorable tides.

Please let me know what y'all think if you are still interested in coming or not.

Gracias :smilegrin:

pbc - 24-9-2012 at 07:17 PM

If the wind is nicely aligned I have no issue flying within 2 hours either side of the high. YMMV. It requires more skills and experience (or perfect wind) to work in such narrowness, but it can be done and it can be fun.


tridude - 25-9-2012 at 08:44 AM

the tide surge is only five feet so there should be enuff room to run if its on and or side on............................

soliver - 25-9-2012 at 09:14 AM

That's good info tri... Thanks

Looking forward to it!

acampbell - 27-9-2012 at 06:01 AM

Look for tides at Jekyll Point or St. Simons Lighthouse. Jekyll Marina is on the Intracoastal Waterway on the other side of the island and will lag behind.

High tide on Saturday the 6th is 1:12 pm so the beach will be usable after about 3:00pm. Plenty o' time!

that means Sunday AM will be great providing the winds are OK. We just need the Bermuda High to set up off the Carolinas as is still common for this time of year. In such a case we will not have to count on the afternoon seabreeze in order to get easterlies

soliver - 27-9-2012 at 02:18 PM

SWEET! Then it looks like we'll have plenty of time to ride the beach early Sunday until noon, then later in the afternoon then again about the same on Monday. Awesome-sauce!!!! :singing:

Kevin is coaching his son's football team in a game on Saturday morning so we probably won't leave Atlanta until about 1 or 2pm which puts us on the island late Saturday evening.... enough time to set up camp, light a fire and chill 'til its time to sleep.

MyAikenCheeks - 29-9-2012 at 12:48 AM

Would love to come down for 3 or 4 days. What's the tides, weather and wind going to do?
What are OK winds?
I need all the seat time I can get. Wind at OOBE Field has sucked but now, if there's no breeze, you can hit a bucket of balls at the new driving range there!

soliver - 29-9-2012 at 01:35 PM

The tides are not optimal, but we can make it work,... Low tides are around 8 and 9am Sunday and Monday respectively, then again later in the evenings.

According to Angus (see above), the beach is useable up to 2 hrs before high tide, then again 2 hrs after,....Just read through the thread above.

Not sure yet about the wind... We'll have to see.

soliver - 30-9-2012 at 08:30 PM

As of right now the preliminary forecasts are for great weather both days. Sunday's wind looks like it may not be directionally perfect nor very strong, but Monday is looking really good... it is still really early so all subject to change,... WE SHALL SEE... the STOKE is approaching


soliver - 1-10-2012 at 05:24 PM

As Angus told me forecasts this early are very subject to change, but as of what the forecast says right now, Sunday's wind looks meek and shifty, and Monday looks like north easterlies with great wind speeds... we shall see!!!


soliver - 2-10-2012 at 08:21 PM

So... who's still "on the Roster?"

Knkmanthey and I will definitely be there
I've been emailing Angus, and am pretty sure he'll be there...


camp & kite

MyAikenCheeks - 2-10-2012 at 10:19 PM

At this time I'm in. Drive down Friday night. Going to try to make it a long weekend and hit the beach Sat.. We're not sure about camping yet, Betty Jo is a camping woose. Girls....

Not going to stay at MicroTel this time, the beds are worn out and suck. Took me 3 rooms to find something that was sleep-able. Thank you Mr. Patel!

The Days Inn on the island is just $10 a night more but really only $5 a night because you don't have to pay the 5 bucks to get on the beach but one time.

pbc - 3-10-2012 at 05:02 AM

Nick and I stayed at the Microtel at exit 29 on our last trip. It was serviceable, but I'll not repeat it.


PHREERIDER - 3-10-2012 at 06:58 AM

days inn on the beach, deluxe multiple stays there. its a good spot. i thought it was cheap. great view. and you are RIGHT WHERE YOU WANT TO BE. in and out no drive , pool, HOT TUB! hampton inn is good spot the access is through the dune and definitely not buggy friendly with the stairs and crap, but very nice, ton of weddings go through there and always booked ,seemingly, but the the drive to great dune park is easy, like 1-2minutes and the route to go with bugs.

soliver - 3-10-2012 at 04:01 PM

Sounds Great guys,...

Kevin and I won't be there until late Saturday Night, so we probably won't see you until Sunday. We are staying until Tuesday.


soliver - 4-10-2012 at 06:01 PM

Just checked the NOAA forecast for the coming fun,...

Saturday and Sunday look fair, mostly N and NE winds in the 6 to 7mph range, but Monday looks like GREAT wind mostly N and NE from 10 to 14mph,... looks like lots of downwind down the beach runs!!!!

acampbell - 4-10-2012 at 07:14 PM

Originally posted by pbc
Nick and I stayed at the Microtel at exit 29 on our last trip. It was serviceable, but I'll not repeat it.


Hey gang, this is the first I have heard of this. Let me know more if you can. I try to keep data on hotel properties in the area and if they are not up to snuff, i will not recommend them. I get a lot of kite peeps traveling through the are a and want to be current with recommendations.

soliver - 4-10-2012 at 07:51 PM

Hey Angus,... It looks like the NOAA forecast is mostly out of the N and NE, is it do-able to ride the North end of the island (past driftwood beach of course) for this presentation, or is that too hard to get to with gear?

Just curious since kite beach really needs a E, ESE for good on-shore winds...


Hey Davis,... how long you gonna stay, leaving Sunday or Monday,... looks like the real good stuff is coming Monday.

ncbowhunter - 5-10-2012 at 04:34 AM

Have fun this weekend! Wish I could have taken you up on the invite. Maybe next time :wee:

acampbell - 5-10-2012 at 06:58 AM

Originally posted by soliver
Hey Angus,... It looks like the NOAA forecast is mostly out of the N and NE, is it do-able to ride the North end of the island (past driftwood beach of course) for this presentation, or is that too hard to get to with gear?

Just curious since kite beach really needs a E, ESE for good on-shore winds...


Hey Davis,... how long you gonna stay, leaving Sunday or Monday,... looks like the real good stuff is coming Monday.

No worries; too early to tell. If the sun is out, the seabreeze changes everything for the better. And no, you cannot buggy at Driftwood Beach or north of there. If it is NE, you can work the section north of the sandbar at Kite Beach

soliver - 5-10-2012 at 11:32 AM

Originally posted by acampbell
Originally posted by soliver
Hey Angus,... It looks like the NOAA forecast is mostly out of the N and NE, is it do-able to ride the North end of the island (past driftwood beach of course) for this presentation, or is that too hard to get to with gear?

Just curious since kite beach really needs a E, ESE for good on-shore winds...


Hey Davis,... how long you gonna stay, leaving Sunday or Monday,... looks like the real good stuff is coming Monday.

No worries; too early to tell. If the sun is out, the seabreeze changes everything for the better. And no, you cannot buggy at Driftwood Beach or north of there. If it is NE, you can work the section north of the sandbar at Kite Beach

that's what I figured,... good info, thanks!!!

thought it was worth asking though

soliver - 6-10-2012 at 08:19 PM

So after much delay in leaving town, we have finally arrived on the island,... we got here about 9:30 pm and set up camp we are in JI campground site H6,...

Is anyone else on the island? Davis? Tridude? Pokite?

Sunday forecast is still looking drab, but Monday is looking good.

Shoot me an email if you're here.

We will probably not get on the beach until 10 am,... we have to check in at the campground store, then find the place to buy a multi-day pass for the island.

soliver - 7-10-2012 at 11:40 AM

Went to the beach this morning for a couple of hours... pretty limp and pathetic winds, but Angus let me fly his 8.6m Reactor II... Kevin flew it too and WOW that was awesome.... promises to be a bit better this afternoon, then sweet awesome sauce for tomorrow.

Right now its about 2:30 and the tide is just about to start going back out,... we will be headed back to the beach in an hour or so.... kevin is napping, ZZZZZZZZZZZZ...

If I only could afford one of those RII's........ hmmmmm.

if I get some vids I'll throw em together and post it in a week or so.

knkmannthey - 7-10-2012 at 12:06 PM

Light wind so far. But this afternoon session should be good

knkmannthey - 7-10-2012 at 05:34 PM

Sweet run from park to stores. Still learning to come back

soliver - 7-10-2012 at 07:37 PM

This afternoon was a awesome,... It was blowing 8-10mph. Angus was already there set up with his 15m Phantom so I started out on the 5m Core and had a blast with that guy, but after about 20 minutes, my forearms were screaming, so I pulled out the 4m and had an awesome time for a few hours,...

by the time Angus started to pack up around 5 pm the wind was cranking up a few more notches, so I decided to try out the 2.6 Viper S in the 14mph wind so I could see what it could do and boy howdy will that thing take off and I got the buggy moving at a good stitch.

Great day today, we shall see what tomorrow brings.

acampbell - 8-10-2012 at 04:53 AM

Great Session yesterday; thanks to Spencer and Kevin for dragging me out. Sea-breeze clocked in as advertised in the afternoon and should do so again today. New topology on JI beaches with lots of tidal pools and rivlets. When you have the hammer down on a down wind reach and the little stream ahead that you though was 1" of water but turns out to be 8", there's nothing you can do but say "this is going to leave a mark...."

Standing water is a very effective brake.

soliver - 8-10-2012 at 01:43 PM

great time today,...

Kevin and I hit the beach this morning and goofed off with some non power stuff. it was blowing about 8-10mph, but strait down the beach so Kevin pulled out his Rev, and a really awesome 2 line delta stunt, and I had fun with both of those too plus my 2 line delta stunt, my symphony, and we brought out the Viper S too. We had fun just relaxing with some back to the basics kite flying...

Then we met Angus at the GA port authority where he works and gave us a tour of the port, a look at the International SeaFarer's Center, and we were able to tour one of those HUGE cargo vessels that hauls containers and cars and stuff one of the guys working the ship gave us a tour from wheelhouse to engine room,... it was pretty cool...

raining now and pretty much stuck in the tent,... i think its nap time.

soliver - 10-10-2012 at 10:09 AM

We closed out the trip Tuesday with some fair to poor wind running almost directly down the beach from the North...

All in all it was a great trip, and we had an awesome time... Many thanks to Jekyll Island for giving us some WAY better wind than we ever get here in the Atlanta area,... many thanks to Kevin for joining me and baring some of the load, expense, and for watching out for me,... many thanks to the Paddy Wagon for getting us all the way there and back (barely--- not without trouble),... many thanks to the JI campground for a great stay,.... and many, many, many thanks to Angus for hosting us in his own back yard, joining in the fun, and showing us around the GA port authority.

I've got some Vid footage to put together, so next week when I'm all done with this school term for a bit, I'll hook up with Imovie and post the Vids.

MyAikenCheeks - 11-10-2012 at 12:09 PM

I sounds like you guys had a great run.
Sooooo sorry I couldn't get to the island for the weekend. I had
saved the $$$'s to come down. I needed a break.

Being self employed has several advantages as well as several disadvantages.

We support several schools and their festivals with t-shirts and had to be on standby to supply more Chocolate Festival event shirts if they ran out. An over order of last year lead to an under order this year that lead to a under order panic Friday afternoon with them asking if we would be on call to keep them supplied if they ran out.

This event is their largest fund raiser of their year and we sure know that schools need all the money they can get now-a-days. We were glad to help them out.

But.... I sure wish I could have been on that GREAT beach with u-all !!!!!!!!!!

Driving time, tides & wind, having to be at work Monday because it is only a government/bank/postal holiday and us 1%er's have to work to help out the 47%er's, you know, changed our plans. I really wanted 2 full days seat time.

Can't wait for the pictures and the videos to get posted.

Again, I'm sorry that I was unable to be there in the flesh (and I have a lot of flesh) but I was there in spirit.

Ride on buggy pilots, ride on!