Streetrider56 - 18-9-2012 at 03:31 PM
I'm looking for a kite to use in the 12-18 knot range on the atb and static. Prefer depower as it's easier on my hands.
There are sometimes I would rather do slides with the atb without the lift of the 11m Frenzy. I don't have access to other kites.
Any recommendations would be appreciated.
Bladerunner - 18-9-2012 at 04:37 PM
I would have suggested about 10m.
If you find the 11m too big then it sounds like you are after a 10m Access. ( 9m Apex ? ) They have less lift.
11 seems a good size for those winds? That is the sweet spot for my 15m Synergy. It isn't too lifty unless you spank it. Then :wee:
Streetrider56 - 18-9-2012 at 05:53 PM
The 11 is new to me and fly in the lightest wind possible. I feel the potential for big air.
Guess I should be asking about a smaller for higher winds that over laps into that range for that purpose.
I look at the quivers and try to figure out what I should be looking at. With winter coming, now seems a good
doneski - 18-9-2012 at 06:01 PM
Try a 6 meter Gin Yeti which should fly like your Frenzy. Look for ** Gin Yeti 6m & 4.5m depower foils ** in for sale section
Bladerunner - 18-9-2012 at 06:08 PM
8m Access ? 7m Apex ?
8m Pulse II? 7m Pulse !!
Streetrider56 - 18-9-2012 at 06:48 PM
6 - 7m range. Tnx guys.