Power Kite Forum

Newbie/unique request??

COKite - 22-9-2012 at 11:23 PM

Hey there!!

I have been flying "stunt" kites on and off again for quite a few years now. I have been skydiving for 8 years so I have a good idea of how a "ram-air" style wing works. I am familiar with the concepts of aspect ratio/wing span/surface area....

I have less than an hour under a Beamer 3.0 but under pretty heavy winds. This was a few years ago and got my butt drug around pretty well. I currently own a Symphony 1.8 for a "fun" kite but feel I maxed that thing out pretty quickly.

I recently moved to Portland, OR and am looking to get into Kiteboarding but also would like to go back to the snow when I end up back in CO.

My question is what is a good trainer for working towards both disciplines. I have been looking at both the HQ Rush series and HQ Scout.

I really prefer more responsive wing and I am used to independent controls but know that a "control bar" is more universal with the disciplines I am looking to.

Sorry for the long introduction but I really appreciate the input from the crew here. Thanks for the input!

COKite - 22-9-2012 at 11:28 PM

I forgot to mention. I am 6' and 175lbs. I am interested in the 3m version of both based on the fact that I want to use both mostly as a static wing for training with the possibility of use in beginning ground/snow use.

John Holgate - 22-9-2012 at 11:37 PM

Slightly out of left field here, but.... if you've got the basics of control down with the symphony and you're looking to kiteboard and snowkite....why not something like the 5m Apex II/III depower kite. Would only take you an extra hour or so to come to grips with. A little more forgiving than a 3m fixed bridle and will be your moderate/high wind kite eventually with landboard and snowkite.

The Apex is not really designed for static flying, nor is it a zippy wing, but it may eventually be of more use. Here's a vid of static flying one when I first got it....

COKite - 22-9-2012 at 11:55 PM

Thanks for the video John. Looks like a fun wing! I guess I am stuck in one of those situations where I am looking for an "all-in-one" wing. The apex looks like another great option.

COKite - 23-9-2012 at 12:18 AM

And yes, I have used the search on this forum, which is horrible like any other forum I have been on. Maybe I'm not doing it right but it never seems to come up with any results to my search query.

bobalooie57 - 23-9-2012 at 01:58 AM

Forum member Windzup had a few Ozone Pure "snowkite in a box" set-ups for an incredible deal. This is a 4M Fixed bridle kite, set up 3-line on a bar, like the Imp trainer, or the HQ Rush Pro series trainers. The Pure also comes with a basic harness, and the bar is fitted with their Megatron chicken loop. It's 4M size will be better to get you moving in the snow, and like I said, the deal was great! I have also had problems searching with the forum search function unless I can remember the OP, I often have better luck just google searching! But check for that deal in the for sale section, or U2U windzup for more info, I think she was selling for $199.00 new in box.

erratic winds - 23-9-2012 at 08:56 AM

Best of luck in your search, best bet is to just go to the for sale section and just browse the first few pages.

Seeing your username, I thought I might have had another local. Guess not.

snowspider - 23-9-2012 at 11:46 AM

Based on your backround you might as well look at kites that will work on both water and land. A smaller size in any series of kites could be your "trainer"/storm kite then add larger sizes as you get into the sport. HQ NEO , Flysurfer , misc. LEI's. to name a few that will do both water and snow. Though you can't go wrong starting with a small trainer , great for muscle memory and some of them are extremely zippy which will force you to have quick reflexes and they are handy to share with someone wanting to learn , a good quality one you might hang on to for years. Welcome to the forum , have fun.

sTEPSIDe - 24-9-2012 at 04:54 PM

Cokite... if you are near Colorado springs and would like to try something from my quiver drop me a line. Winds have not been very cooperative lately, but i could always use an excuse to head to the park

sand flea - 24-9-2012 at 05:34 PM

I am in Ptown too! 97229!
I buggy always but am familiar with all aspects of kiting and would be glad to help in any way.
Lets go to Sunset Beach sometime soon!

COKite - 26-9-2012 at 03:49 PM

Thanks for the input everyone. Still in the market but I think I may have things narrowed down a bit.

dirtslide - 26-9-2012 at 04:33 PM

@ Sand flea , " C1" love the new name lol.

Bladerunner - 26-9-2012 at 04:49 PM

Originally posted by dirtslide
@ Sand flea , " C1" love the new name lol.

It is long overdue for all you Chis's to take a number!
I think I can count 1/2 dozen of you !

I get confused ! :smug:

Smooth move grabbing KC 420 there D'sliddy! :thumbup:


sand flea - 26-9-2012 at 05:46 PM

Isn't that awesome!
There were 4 of us at SOBB so it was a good thing we went by numbers.
Its nice to be #1 at something

I miss my kite Buddies from Canada, we had such a good time.
Thanks for coming down here.

sum420gt - 22-10-2012 at 02:03 AM

just wanted to say, really loved the video... very beautiful, made me wish i could get out there right now!