beachrights - 24-9-2012 at 03:49 AM
markite - 24-9-2012 at 06:28 AM
The Force 10 was by Steve Shapson - who had designed a very large dual line stunt kite called a Force 10. This came out right after the Original
Quadrifoil. Both a very rectangular design. The second generation of Force 10 had corners rounded off on the bottom. Shortly after this the first Sky
Tigers also came out.
At the time (early 90's) these were one of the work horse kites seen out there - hard pulling - no de-power on these babies. There is one guy around
this area that still uses his in the winter.
Like any kite, just because it's older doesn't make it a bad kite - things have just gotten lighter in the bridle and material from what you'll see on
this kite. But it was bomb proof. Compared to newer kites it will feel heavier to fly but don't be fooled, there is a lot of power there. Just be
prepared for a lot of side pull once it's really powered if using in a buggy.
Looks like there is a reserve on it and you could buy it now for 199.00. I'd say compare it to any lower cost kite option available direct from China
- if you can get a new kite for 200.00 would you want to spend 200.00 on this one, probably not quite that much but there is still good value in the
kite - especially if it's been stored well and not much use. If you bought some crappy little foil that didn't fly that well it would probably still
cost you close to 100.00 and this would be better than that for sure so it depends on what you bottom line is for cheap fun.
indigo_wolf - 24-9-2012 at 10:15 AM
From the TUG newsgroup on kites:
Steve Shapson has moved from big deltas to big 4-line foils. Here is his standard info hand-out:
Thanks for inquiring into Force 10 Foils. Force 10 is dedicated to producing only the finest four line (quad-line) foils on this planet.
Our quality and performance is unsurpassed. And our prices are quite reasonable.
Force 10 Foils are easy to learn to fly, and ski with, using alpine skis, grass skis, kite buggies or whatever suits your fancy. Each foil comes with
a video and instruction pamphlet which helps any novice fly the Force 10 Foil.
Our current production includes four sizes suitable for various wind conditions or flier needs.
I personally have taught people who have never even flown a kite before to fly one inless than an hour. They're really quite easy.
Colours available are handsome blue teal with accents of pink, purple and yellow or purple and yellow (hot) striped. Very cool looking.
Using the latest paragliding manufacturing technology, Force 10 Foils are fast and quick in turns. They reinflate within seconds due to our cross
porting and modern airofoil profile.
Force 10 Foils command the sky. If you're a windsurfer, skier, sailor or just love to fly great kites, you'll fall in love with our foils, as I have
over the years.
These foils produce incredible lifting power, so one must be aware of this potential, and never fly or ski near power lines, over people, during
thunderstorms, or near airports. Force 10 Foilsare not parachutes or
paragliders and are not built or intended for paragliding, parachuting, skydiving or jumping into the air. Use your head, fly safe, ski safe and stay
alive and well.
model size(m) Sq.Ft. Width Depth(inches) Wind Retail
2.8 2.8 30 88 50 8-40mph $229
4.4 4.4 48 120 58 8-30 359
6.6 6.6 72 152 68 8-25 489
9.3 9.3 101 182 80 8-18 689
Prices include handles & bag.
It is all very well for Steve to say that they are dedicated to producing the finest foils on the planet, but what do you think? Is this stuff as hot
as he says? Send us your views!
Contact: Force 10, 10920 N Port Washington Road, Mequon, Wisconsin 53092, USA.
Phone: +1 414 241 8862
Fax: +1 414 241 5483
Distributed in Germany by:
Contact: Michael Steltzer
Address: Vom Winde Verweht, Eisenacher StraBe 81, 1000 Berlin 62, Germany
Phone: +49 30 784 7769
Fax: +49 30 784 7869
Steve sent the video that comes with the Foil. It starts with a short, jazzy promo clip, which shows the foil being used with snow skis, grass skis,
rollerblades (guest appearance by Lee Sedgewick), and a buggy.
Then follows an instructional sequence where Steve shows how to setup and fly the kite. The kite appears to handle well and to have a reasonable
supply of power. The jazzy part of the video is good (it's handy to have to hand, because within a minute or so, it shows most of the stuff that kite
traction is about). The instructional part is OK, but could have covered more (parking the kite?, rudimentary buggying perhaps?)
I faxed to Steve, asking him to explain why the Force 10 Foils were so good and for any other relevant info, such as tuning. He replied:
Without going into special R&D secrets of the Force 10 foil, I can say it is faster and more responsive to change in wind velocity than other
foils. We are working on constantly improving it's quality. We are developing thinner wing profiles for fast, high wind skiing applications. The
only tuning of the foil is deciding how much ``down'' one wishes to have. The four control lines from the cascading lines of the foil are preset so
if the flier attaches four prestretched equal lengths of lines, the foil will fly perfectly, out of the bag. The Bag doubles as a knapsack, which
can hold other items.
The handles are now padded aluminium. Each foil comes with a video and instruction sheet, including drawings.
Recently at the First Annual Wildwood, NJ Buggy Bonanza, Force 10 Foils won all the races. Imagine at 1am under a full moon buggying around a
beach 1/2km wide at 55kph. It was heaven.