Power Kite Forum

Lobster Kite 3.5m review

abkayak - 27-9-2012 at 10:19 AM

Have had a week flying the lobster kite now, I went w/ the 3.5m thinking I would have the most use w/ that size. been in 10-22mph winds, static ,atb and of course the kayak (its intended purpose). Didn’t really expect all that much being as it cost 139$ delivered. Foil has pull, flies a lot like my 3m hornet but pulls harder.. Atb w/ handles was great, steady in the air taking direction well w/ steering input, did like 5 miles that day. Not the fastest turning but definitely responsive….. Good first handle kite if your making a switch over from a bar/ trainer, IMO… Looking up at the claws is no question the best part…. It cracks me up. I’m hungry for seafood whenever I put it in the air. Didn’t have much luck yet in the kayak. Poor winds that day and she drank too much water thru the dirt outs to really have an opinion of relaunching no fault of the kite, shouldn’t have been trying that day. The DHL bag it was shipped in was just as good as the one supplied by Pansh, I went w/ a 99 MLB All-star bag makes parapacking so nice. It dealt w/ a couple leading edge impacts fine, but at that price I am very scared to do it anymore. Tried like crazy to get it to generate some lift… none there to be had.……All in all satisfied and thinking about the 4.5 in the future just cause I always dug lobster.:thumbup:

indigo_wolf - 27-9-2012 at 10:40 AM

Pansh Adam 3.5m ???


abkayak - 27-9-2012 at 12:02 PM

oh yea......Adam. cant bring myself to call it that..... dont know why they did.

macboy - 27-9-2012 at 07:27 PM

I've been staring at the pic for a while trying to figure out if it wasn't to be crustacean-esque, what on earth could it have been intended to be? I think without the black inlets it might have less of a crabby look about it. Not that I'm hatin'....I kinda like it too. In fact I set up a doc here so I can click and play around with the custom color options. Just haven't clicked the "Buy" link yet. Interested to hear more about the Aurora.

Speaking of.......saw this the other day: Pass the Pansh