Power Kite Forum

Holy Ripstop Batman!

BeamerBob - 29-9-2012 at 01:11 AM

If Batman flew a kite, this is it. Tonight at the kiteclub, I got to fly the 24m Phantom II. Brian Holgate launched first in a barely perceptible wind. Maybe 4 mph. He had the kite on a 54m double lineset. Sometimes, the wind would drop to almost nothing with flags laying against the flagpole but there was a bit more wind up that high. It would fly in almost nothing. After Brian did a full 360 with it on those HOOJ lines (on his feet) :o the wind died completely and this monster arc floated gently down to the ground.

Next puff of wind, I hooked in and hot launched it like Brian did and was really impressed with the power and efficiency. When the wind was up a bit the kite had perfect autozenith and when it dropped a bit, I could downturn the kite and run it right down next to the ground. This kite is still fast even with all the ripstop. Not sure what it's limit might be but it was a walk in the park unless I really dove it down low and turned sharp when the wind was blowing. This kite will turn amazingly quick considering it's size. We flew on a standard large Navigator bar too.

This arc really can be a low wind monster. I think I could ride on water with it at 8-10 mph winds. I want to try it in the buggy with some normal lines to see how that goes. Plenty of torque to pull through the grass at the park we fly at on Friday nights. I'll have dreams about this thing for a while!

OH, I forgot about the guy that walked up to me asking what that thing was. He said he saw it from the interstate a few miles away and had to come see what it was.

Kamikuza - 29-9-2012 at 01:51 AM

54m :lol: madness!

bigkid - 29-9-2012 at 08:29 AM

Way to go Brian! Glad you are getting into the longer lines. :thumbup:

Longer lines will make most any kite fly in 0 wind, by longer lines I mean over 125 feet. I have flown 13m on 200 feet lines at NABX. Your right Bobby when you said there is wind up higher, hard to tell how much wind.

I would guess the P II is better all around than the 24m Synergy was. Has anyone flown both? Buy the way, 24m is a lot of ripstop. Fly the 24m off 10 foot lines, you could jump off of any mountain top and fly like the birds. You would be flying backwards but flying nun the less.:smilegrin:

heliboy50 - 29-9-2012 at 11:21 AM

That's called paragliding and they are more like 14-16'.:lol::Ange09:

lad - 29-9-2012 at 03:01 PM

"...but flying nun the less.:smilegrin:... "


cheezycheese - 29-9-2012 at 03:31 PM

Originally posted by lad
"...but flying nun the less.:smilegrin:... "


Beat me to it... I was thinking the same thing.. ;)

bigkid - 29-9-2012 at 03:57 PM

thats pretty good, she is nun the more now.

No 24m pics?

skimtwashington - 29-9-2012 at 03:57 PM

.....well, the pic of the flying nun is more impressive actually.

Sally field using a ..009 meter w/ neckstrap.:ninja:

imagine a small kite...so powerful...that you wear it as a hat and need no lines or handles! If anyone had taken notice..... power kiting that is happening now would have happen decades earlier!

Also imagine a writer going into a producer pitching the show, "...so this nun -she wears the wide nun hat - a cornette- ...... and can make her fly cause it acts like a wing and she don't weigh much. Just a tilt of her head in a good breeze and she's a flying nun solving problems by looking at things from a different angle...a high angle..! What do you mean get the F**k out of your office?! This is gonna be a hit!..."


BeamerBob - 29-9-2012 at 10:03 PM

no pics cause it was dark and the kite was usually above the soccer park lights. It didn't look big on lines that long. It will come out again though and we'll be more prepared to take some pics of it. Did I mention how cool the black and orange is?

Feyd - 8-10-2012 at 04:57 PM

In the meantime, 24m shot from last year. I have a shot from a top skin angle but damned if I can find it!

Snapshot - 52small2.jpg - 127kB

acampbell - 8-10-2012 at 06:40 PM

Oh crap Bobby do I need to have one to supplant the 18m Phantom (one)? Does the added weight limit the low end and just add more grunt, or does it really shine in light winds. I love the idea of that much ripstop in the air above me.

Feyd - 9-10-2012 at 06:22 AM

We flew the 24m against the 18m Phantom one as well as the 1600 F-Arc in a test session last winter. The 24m hands down smoked the 18m Phantom 1 (IMO) and was very close power wise to the F-Arc 1600. The F-Arc still did better in the upwind but the 24m turned a hell of a lot faster, went down wind better, and was much easier to manage in a variety of conditions.

The 24m also out performed my 24m+ "Big Blue" (see pic) Very similar grunt, but much much faster turn rate, better upwind. Inspite of the kite's weight it still builds apparent wind very well and won't fall out of the sky in a turn.

On ice I've had the 24m out from 3mph up to 24mph winds well trimmed. Sick wind range IMO

IMG_1223sm.jpg - 227kB

bigkid - 9-10-2012 at 06:30 AM

Feyd, how did you get the red/black?
I am putting in my order for a 24 in a day or to, tried out the 18 last weekend and decided on the 24 for the lite wind days. Are you sure about the top end being 24mph? This would basically be my entire quiver. :lol:

What is it about red and black? My O My, I think I need to take a cold shower.:rolleyes:

BeamerBob - 9-10-2012 at 07:39 AM

Angus this kite could replace your 10.8 reactor II and your 18 Phantom and would go in less wind. I think in the buggy on sand, you could cut Feyds wind range in half but that deserves some testing. I haven't gotten over the flight yet. Maybe we can order 2! The black and orange look awesome too.

Feyd - 9-10-2012 at 12:16 PM

No question of the windrange for me on ice. Tried it out in all kinds of wind and the highest that I measured was 24mph. But again, like Bobby says, that is the windrange for me on ice. Theuggy is going to be a bit different I'm sure.

I rode the 24m on a ground board down In St. Augustine in 17m and squeezin' my cheeks a bit at times. Not so much because of the kite but more becuase I suck at riding a mountain board. But I was getting pulled off edge once in a while and it would never happen on the skis.

tridude - 9-10-2012 at 02:39 PM


When are you sending this one for a water workout?:yes::lol::lol::duh::duh:

acampbell - 9-10-2012 at 04:08 PM

Hmmm, out of stock at PL for the moment; will call in the AM...

BeamerBob - 9-10-2012 at 04:16 PM

Isn't this one special order all the time? Custom and not normally stocked?

Feyd - 10-10-2012 at 04:32 AM

Yes the 24m is a special order offering last I checked.


crazyherb - 19-10-2012 at 09:44 PM

So, being an old school classic C-Kite flyer (for the most part), I had my first "playtime" with the new Phantom 2 18M....Side by side with the 13m Escape and 13/19M Fury's.

I guess I'm just used to the C-kite feel...which, the Phantom felt MUCH like....only I didn't have to PUMP it up!!?!?
(As apposed to the bow-kite feel of the Escape/Fury)

So, after saving funds for a new LEI....I've decided....(long pause) Oh yes...it will be mine....(deep pondering)...oh yes...24M...

The 18M Phantom turns just a tad bit slower then my old North Rhino 18M...But I'm wondering if that could be adjusted. The pull was smooth....like silky smooth... It sits right about in the same place in the window while riding...
It TRACKS great...just LOCKS in and parks where you want it. I love the feeling of not having to correct the kite (holding pressure on upper side to keep from diving)...and if you slide out or fall?? The Phantom just works gently back above you. Like falling off my old horse....kind of just stands there and looks at you....waiting for you to get back up.

So...bring on the RIPSTOP BATMAN!!! And lets RIDE!!!

OH...and BLACK and ORANGE is perfect...my kids favorite color is Orange... :smilegrin: Although...I'm partial to day-glow green or yellow.

Hmmmm...and maybe an extra set of lines...when the wind gets super mellow...interesting...hmmm...

Feyd - 22-10-2012 at 06:53 AM
