PHREERIDER - 1-10-2012 at 07:08 PM
i got this unit from Dom , thank you DOM! i have had 2 solid ATB sessions roughly 4 hours in 10-15mph.
definitely faster turning than the pulse 2 and a little better behaved . very stable, and the the POP! holy cow. once i got the trim set to
almost fully depowered, things really came alive.
i keep the enhancer open and have no desire to close it.
the morphing camber depower effect is cool, wow so much more so than the pulse 2 , amazed how it will accelerate all morphed out! where the pulse
won't do that depowered very well if at all.
not enough for the water yet. really enjoying it. float is not as full as the pulse2 but similar. seems speedy and nimble compared to the
pulse 2 . the 14m pulse 2 i have may get me on the water earlier but this 12m P4 is a knot or 2 right behind it and hopefully cover considerable
higher wind than the 14m as well.
amazing kite , pops like a tube! the pulse 2 on the water has been easy fun with plenty of power, huge boost and crazy up wind drive in light to
breeze (<20). 12m p4 should cover that and medium winds.
once the handling on the these things is wired, totally feels blindly natural, even more so than a tube i had flown for thousands of hours.
hopefully a vid on the water if the direction is good.
15m speed 3 or15m charger 2? what next?
Kamikuza - 1-10-2012 at 08:28 PM
You've GOT to at least try the S3 15... I can't believe how useful that kite is! The weather station reported that I was riding in 10 knots
yesterday... holding ground and not upwind but still riding - unlike the guy on the 10m SB and raceboard :o
Fully trimmed huh... mmm... both the P4s I've flown have needed full trim to fly and not backstall. I'm wondering if the SPL and mixer are out of
whack - or they just need pig tails?
Want to try a CHG2 as well
kitedelight - 1-10-2012 at 09:36 PM
sounds like your really liking it.
From a few local riders, the speed3 is easier to handle in gusts and has better overall range (I think this is partly because it's sits closer to the
edge of the window).
although, for what it's worth....the fella I bought my psycho4 12 from sold it because it overlapped with his speed3 15 too much.
Kamikuza - 2-10-2012 at 05:02 AM
That's cos you can ride the S3 15 from 10 to 25 knots :D
PHREERIDER - 2-10-2012 at 06:10 AM
i have already accepted , overlap. but in my book overlap is back up! wind conditions here really can allow for one kite for the majority of riding
KK , fully depowered in light air helps me get wired on range and response and how much stall i want, heavier air will actually fill in the stall
prone behavior in light.
doubtful i will ever need more than the 14m, BUT swap the 14m for a S3 15m would prolly fit much better and go even earlier. the tendency to
overclock these big units will only shorten their lifespan which is MY problem not the kites.
Kamikuza - 2-10-2012 at 04:14 PM
Any wind for me, and they're very back-stally...
kitedelight - 2-10-2012 at 06:29 PM
ya, overlap probably doesn't mean too much if you want the 2 different riding styles anyway, which will probably be really fun to have...
float vs a bit more aggressive pop and faster kite movement
haven't ridden tons of tubes nor the psycho much on water,
What's your take on the float vs the 12 tubes you have flown? I know the psycho is nice and floaty, just curious you taken on it.
PHREERIDER - 2-10-2012 at 07:20 PM
KK you're just going out in light air, thats when it seems to be worst.
KD , tubes have this lurching snap in acceleration most noticeable on the land board. on the water you want it! psycho 4 has the same, it really
jets to the edge and gives a sharp peak in the power band. pulse 2 kinda thick and slo wells on apparent wind as you move along with it on
airs.... you run , run run til smoking fast, then BOOM! P4 is just run, pull in and SNAP your off the ground like 6feet with out that much speed.
once up on a tube you have to move it or its dropping you pretty quick unless you are in high winds with fairly hi speeds. with either pulse 2
or P4 once directed AT the PEAK , just keep it in and float down sometimes with out any speed at all moving forward. a tube will have u moving
along decent speed to float out in a similar way .
Kamikuza - 2-10-2012 at 08:36 PM
12-18 knots on a P4 19 with 27m lines... and I had to trim it completely or it'd stall and my big board :o
Need to get the proper bar sorted!!!
BeamerBob - 3-10-2012 at 11:20 AM
Phree, if your forum name wasn't so perfect for you, "Overclock" has to be the best single word to describe your style!
PHREERIDER - 3-10-2012 at 12:26 PM
callus time grinds on..despite the knowledge of its own origin and no destination. we are slaves to this illusion. phreedom in mindless motion gives
peace in illusion phree moments.
and besides i really can't tell, but being phree is good .
kitedelight - 3-10-2012 at 02:04 PM
right, was wondering how things would even out on the water (if it would change at all)...on the snow, the p4 you don't have to worry about the
redirect (well, mostly..hehe, I *have* managed to drop myself a few times), and the tubes, don't have loads of experience but had to redirect my old
2006 sle 9m and also the 10rpm or you were dropping fast. The 9m switchblade had a nice amount of float when I briefly tried it, but ya, had to work
it. Didn't even bother trying it without the strong redirect.
PHREERIDER - 12-10-2012 at 06:09 AM
finally got this unit on the water and just not enough to beat the current with wind conditions present. cross wind and pops with plenty o snatch
just would not go windward very well, objectively, just under powered. i will need decent 20 to have fun with it, did a mini downwinder with
ramping wave airs and loops, unit is quick.
juice for pops is always right there and heli loops smooth out the light air jumps when going thru the top for extra float.
and then the pulse 2 takes over, though big fat and slo, plows up wind proper despite current.
considerable difference between the two units (pulse 2/P4) with only 2m difference in size 12m P4 /14m pulse 2.