jordanmcandrew - 7-10-2012 at 02:35 AM
hi guys i was watching some videos of power kitting/land boarding and thought it looks awesome
im 15 years old and weigh 9 stone and if height matters then im 5'10' but i can't decide on a kite.
If anyone could recommend a good kite package for £150 or less then id appreciate it. I'm on a low budget because i don't have a job and would need to
use Christmas money hence £150.
I live in Blackpool & would be going on the beach to kite if this matters but i dont know wind speeds, if anyone could help it'd be much
appreciated, cheers.
abkayak - 7-10-2012 at 05:05 AM
go to that beach.... be friendly to your locals.... they will generally help put you on the correct path.... and will most likely have a used foil for
sale.... this sport kind of works in increments.... even if you know you are gonna be a landboarder your first kite may not be best suited for it...
thats just how it is, but you will always have a use for it so it is not wasted $$$.. have lots of fun!!!
abkayak - 7-10-2012 at 05:06 AM
go to that beach.... be friendly to your locals.... they will generally help put you on the correct path.... and will most likely have a used foil for
sale.... this sport kind of works in increments.... even if you know you are gonna be a landboarder your first kite may not be best suited for it...
thats just how it is, but you will always have a use for it so it is not wasted $$$.. have lots of fun!!!
jordanmcandrew - 7-10-2012 at 05:14 AM
thanks for getting back to me, the only worry of buying a used one is how to attach it all? and whether to go with a bar or handles
Bladerunner - 7-10-2012 at 08:22 AM
The 1st thing you need to understand is one kite will never do it all for you.
There is one 1st step that everybody must take. Get a 3m quality foil kite and start flying. 3m is big enough to toss you about but not so big that
you can't get control of it. Although you will want to move up to a depower kite and bar you will get the most enjoyment out of the 3m with handles.
150 isn't enough to fund a full kit. Buy the 3m and start shopping / saving. You may need to sell the 3m to fund your next kite so buy quality used
and you won't lose much money. I would suggest this . Buy the 3m and become it's master. You can even use it with skis or snowboard on the snow with
strong winds. Buy a harness to increase your fly time. Once you can fly the 3m without looking at it you will hopefully have money for a decent
depower kite and board!
Take the 3m out to the local kites spot and meet up with the folks. If you come in with a kite you will be instant family and they should take you
under their wing? If no locals then this is the place for advice.
Look for a used kite RTF Ready to Fly. Ask the sellerto sell it with lines attached and ready to go. If the kite doesn't have a manual they are easy
to find online.
Go to and checkout the tutorials.
abkayak - 7-10-2012 at 12:10 PM
yea....just like he said. 3m kites are the best. i fell u cant have enough of them. they can all be so different and all have there uses...great to
grow your skills w/ most of all...and will get you moving on a board