Snake - 6-11-2012 at 08:00 PM
What would be a good depower line length for an arc? Right now the it is 30cm long. The standard for PL bars is 37cm. I think I could add 15-25cm and
still be able to reach the bar(I have really long arms). Is it possible to have to long of a depower throw?
BTW, I'm luvin' the arc. Especially the jumps. Just fly it across the window and pull in the bar and up you go.
AD72 - 6-11-2012 at 08:40 PM
Since you have long arms, if you have a sliding stopper make it as long as you feel comfortable. Make sure your lines end up equal with the bar pulled
all the way in and trim out. I fly my Venom with an Ocean Rodeo long throw bar with below the bar depower .
UnknownAX - 23-11-2012 at 04:16 AM
I've got really long arms, as well. Could I extend the dp-line of my access so that I can make use of my long arms? I could easily reach 20cm