Bugkeab - 15-8-2006 at 03:00 AM
Pls.Let's me know Radsail Pro II 6.0m ,Is a good ones
for jumping?If it's not.Do you think PKD Buster 5.5m is a good choice to jump with cheaper prices? Thank you for answer
Bucky - 10-9-2006 at 03:36 PM
I think the Radsail has better lift than the Buster. It's a fun kite for jumping. It not a Blade, but it'll get you off the ground in a decent wind.
jonesing4wind - 10-9-2006 at 04:00 PM
I think radsails are a good deal for the money. Mine is still in one piece, but the lineset didn't last long. All in all it is a good first kite, or
a cheap way to fill out your quiver. Sorry, no experience with the Buster...
Bugkeab - 27-9-2006 at 02:41 AM
Thank you:singing:
pea - 27-9-2006 at 03:03 AM
Would radsail pro 3m give more lift than the buster 2 3m? They're roughly the same price. Is the quality ok?
PAULO - 1-10-2006 at 03:36 AM
Yeah I am also in the same boat as these fellas, thinking of getting a 3m Busta or a Radsail.
Some one help us out!
Pablo - 1-10-2006 at 10:07 AM
Busters out of the box aren't lifty, that's cause they're usually being sold to fairly new kiters, The radsails are a little more lifty, but still not
stupid strong so they're good for beginners as well.
Thing with the Buster I and II's, they have an adjustable bridal so once you figure out flying, you can either dial them up for more grunt/power/lift
or down for more speed/less lift. So they're well suited for cruising at some speed or jumping, depends on how you set it.
I know my 9m Buster is pretty good at jumping, not what you'd get out of a blade 8.5m, but still enough for a freindly kite. I've accidentally left it
on the high lift setting once, took it up in 15-20mph winds, at 245lbs I got lofted then dragged 1/2 way across the park.
Edit: Having said that, it's usually a bad idea to do any real jumping with something smaller than 5m, you may go up real good but they have a habbit
of dropping you like a rock.