On the ice the 24m Phantom 2 will have me, at 200 lbs, moving in about 3mph of wind at about 12mph. And fully depowered I've had it up to 24mph wind
but I won't lie its a lot of work. Still, it's a pretty broad windrange if you don't want to get stranded.
But by and large on water I imagine the bottom end would be a bit higher. Like Phree say's a lot of what you get out of an Arcs lower end will depend
a lot on piloting more that just raw low wind ability.
Head to head comparisons we found the 24m was close to the 19m Speed 3 and Psycho 4 SA 19m on snow. What the 24m lacks in low end you can make up with
turn rate and do pretty well on some seriously light wind days. She builds apparent really well. We expirimented with line extensions and found that
40-45m lines get you a little bit more low end but at the loss of handling. 30-35m seemed to be the sweet spot. 60m pretty much sucked because of too
much steering lag and extra drag from the lines seemed to nulify an gain from the extra length.