Power Kite Forum

Pass the PKD Century?

bigkid - 19-11-2012 at 04:37 AM

I am tossed with the decision of passing the kite or not. The responses online have been rather tame, and offline have been for the most part unsettling to say the least. While trying to keep a positive out look on the subject, there are some that had blood dripping from their teeth.

I am now trying to move forward with a new way to continue the same gift to the kiting community.
I have set up an email account, with a programed response for you to see an agreement/contract to participate in "pass the kite".
You fill out the required spots, read the agreement,and fill in the date and forward it to the email address on the agreement.

I am sure the bugs will pop out rather soon and I expect my lawyers to make some changes in the wording, but it basically says if anything happens, you are, and will be held accountable in a court of law.

I dont want to go this route but it is that little voice that says "you better".
As soon as the stuff is in place......

Any thoughts on the subject? or should I just bag it?

awindofchange - 19-11-2012 at 11:06 AM

I have been considering the same, but the way it would work is that when someone signs up for the "Pass program" they would need to agree to the terms and that would include their credit card info. Before the last test person ships to the next, the next person on the list has his/her credit card authorized (money hold, not charged) for the kite amount. Each person will ship the kite from one to the next via insured trackable carrier, signed receipt at their own expense. Once the kite has arrived at the new destination, the credit card hold is released for the person shipping the kite and all credit card info is destroyed. If the kite does not arrive at the new destination (and it is not the fault of the shipping company where insurance would cover) the authorization is then charged the full price for the kite and another kite is then shipped to continue the pass program. Basically is it "Ship it" or "Buy it".

bigkid - 19-11-2012 at 01:54 PM

I thought about this for a bit and then put myself in the position of the jerk who's intention is to get a free kite and disappear. I don't want to go the CC route, cause my time is less and less. That idea is OK till they cancel the CC and receive the kite, or use a stolen card.

It would be much simpler and easier to just order and buy the kite and then return it, you refund the money less the transaction fee and 10% for your time and bookwork.
What do you all think of this?

I want to keep it simple, but give me the power to let the lawyers do their thing. My lawyers said I could do the small claims lawsuit because it is a contract that they had to fill out and send in. Because the contract is with BKK and done here, Seattle is the place the suit is filed and they would have to travel here to defend themselves, no show, guilty. I send the claim to a collection agency and let them take care of it. I dont have to loose sleep over it.
Besides all this, my wife is keeping her eye on me and checking what I do. We have an agreement about some stuff and I'm not allowed to talk to others without her listening in.(long story) So the less I have to be part of, the easier my life is, and the happier my wife will be.

Got to go, the wife said I'm done.

Snake - 19-11-2012 at 04:54 PM

Put me on the list. I think signing a contract would be a good idea so no one can steel your kite.