Hello all!
I know I don’t post on here as often as I should but figured I need some feedback.
Whenever I transport my buggy on the back of my Jeep, I always get asked the question “what is it?”
My plan is to have a plastic sign made up that will bolt to the bottom of my weight bar on the back of the buggy.
When my buggy is on my hitch and leaning up against my spare tire, this sign will be visible to motorist traveling behind me.
The big question is what do I put on the sign that might give the unknowledgeable public a hint as to what it is.
I don’t want too long of an explanation as the sign will only be 10 X 24 inches
My first thought was: “Think Wind”
Ken (K3)WELDNGOD - 20-11-2012 at 04:44 PM
I saw someone online had a sticker,it read " It's a kitebuggy ,Dear" It was on the driver's side, so I assume it was to let the husband know what
to say when his wife says "what the heck is that?". LOL
and ,I hear it all the time too. I have two buggies usually.MDK - 20-11-2012 at 04:55 PM
here in Idaho I get "do you use that to haul your kill out of the woods?" not a bad idea actually but not with this buggy!!!! yikes! pops would have my head!heliboy50 - 20-11-2012 at 05:22 PM
I have a Discover Paragliding sticker on the back of my car so people always want to know how I fly with the buggy. Now I have a reversible number
plate on the back. One side is my numbers, etc., and the other side says "It's a kite buggy."treblehook - 20-11-2012 at 05:39 PM
I also get strange looks whilst heading 90 mile down I-45 south toward Galveston . was thinking of a sign that would say "you-tube: Kite Buggy" or
"Google: Power Kite Forum"
that's normally what I tell inquisitive people on the beach..beachrights - 20-11-2012 at 05:44 PM
Since my bug rides on top of my car on a converted Thule bike rack- I usually like to point to the top of the car of the peeps staring at me- I also
mouth "Whats that?" as I drive slowly past! :frog:soliver - 20-11-2012 at 05:58 PM
Angus has something like this on the trailer he pulls with his buggy on top,... I think it says something like what WG said,... Something like "No,
it's a kite buggy"
Fun topic...MDK - 20-11-2012 at 06:51 PM
I like "Google kite buggy"shehatesmyhobbies - 20-11-2012 at 07:08 PM
MDK good one!
Todd had one he would put on his, it simply said, "It's a Kite Buggy"
I haul mine in a trailer with a large Kite and buggy on each side! People get the jist quickly! Not to mention the 3' got Wind? sign!RedSky - 20-11-2012 at 07:09 PM
Yeah, I like that too.indigo_wolf - 20-11-2012 at 08:26 PM
If you want to get informative, the tagline "Kite Powered". Kitesurfing and ship sails are prevalent enough that most people would
make the connection, even if they didn't grasp the exact mechanics.
If you want to cause accidents or at least traffic weaving, license one of these images (talk to Kent) with the tagline "Babe Magnet."
If you want to cause a lot of head scratching, just the simple tagline, "Escape Pod."
Sambigkid - 20-11-2012 at 08:30 PM
It seemed as though a million people would get my attention one way or the other and ask "what are those?" After the police pulled me over for the 3rd
time to ask what they were, I did the "Its a kite buggy" sign under the rack, which only moved the question to the next phase, "Whats a kite buggy?"
Now I just look lost and move my fingers as if I was deaf and trying to sign the answer to them. At that point they look lost and just stare.
The one I liked the best was an older couple walked across the parking lot to stand behind the motorhome and they began disusing what they could be.
As the conversation grew louder it was clear that she knew what they were and he had no clue. She threw her hands up and turned to walk off to the
Bagels by the Sea Shop, and I went out to talk with him and he piped up and asked what are they? and I told him they were kite buggies. He threw his
hands up in the air and said something to the fact that they didn't look like any kite buggy he had ever seen, and he walked away. I still laugh at
the thought of the guy refusing to admit his wife knew and he didn't.DemBones - 20-11-2012 at 09:29 PM
How about "Insert Kite Here"MDK - 20-11-2012 at 10:06 PM
I like "kite powered" by indigo_wolf
but my favorite is still "Google Kite Buggy" and treblehook should get the credit, I got the idea from his post.tdmc96 - 20-11-2012 at 11:51 PM
"Wind Driven" is one I had in mind.
I really don't want to come right out and give it away and say its a kite buggy...kinda hope people are a little smarter than that...lol
"Kite Powered"....thats a good one Sam...not quite telling them what it is.
I also like "Escape Pod" just to mess with peoples minds:puzzled:
Jeff....great stories...had me laughing as I can relate. (your wind dance is in the works)
Ken(K3)BeamerBob - 21-11-2012 at 07:26 AM
Angus is the one that has "no dear, it's a kite buggy" on his trailer that has his buggy mounted on top.
I too have thought about some explanation. I like "Kite Powered".buggeyed - 21-11-2012 at 09:19 AM
As Bob Dylan sings "The answer is blowin' in the wind" maybe a bit long for a signWindy Heap - 21-11-2012 at 09:59 AM
"Got Kite?"
or "Kite Powered" and a logo known world wide:
Todd - 21-11-2012 at 03:26 PM
Corey was busy that year...
Pictures by Crisi!
Originally posted by shehatesmyhobbies
I haul mine in a trailer with a large Kite and buggy on each side! People get the jist quickly! Not to mention the 3' got Wind? sign!
They would have got the Jist a little sooner had you vinyl that trailer a couple of years ago :Pthanson2001ok - 21-11-2012 at 03:32 PM
The most common misperception I get is that I fly it. "No, I don't leave
the ground."
I want to say, "do you see a prop?":frog:
Just had a guy stop me 5 minutes ago.:singing:csa_deadon - 22-11-2012 at 02:35 AM
When I have my buggy hanging off the back of my truck, and I'm asked "what is that?"
I just tell them "It's what's left of a Kia Rio after you skin it!"
:frog:Bladerunner - 22-11-2012 at 07:41 AM
My watchamacallit !
But Ken rejected that one already.
My other ride is a Jeep.pokitetrash - 22-11-2012 at 03:32 PM
When I was fresh into the sport, I would stand at the gas station pumps forever explaining while my wife sat in the car forever waiting.
Now, I'm lazy and always seem to be in a rush, so now when they say "is that some kind of airplane?" I just say "yup.." and move on. I know... I'm not
being a good ambasador of the sport. Just cranky I guess. :ticking:
The main reason is that no matter how much I try to explain about the whole big kite pulling a 3 wheeled go kart sorta thing, I ALWAYS get the "...So
how high up can you go?".... Then I have to start all over...macboy - 22-11-2012 at 03:45 PM
Originally posted by thanson2001ok
"do you see a prop?"
Dad has a friend that flies PPGs. Said friend uses his Smart Car to drive down south with his toys. No place for the fan, so he had a rack built to
hang it on the back of the Smart Car. People think it's propellor driven